5: Winter/Kaylyne

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You have been talking. No surprise there. What scheme are you setting into action? Why send such a lamb to me? To say her spine is gelatinous would give her too much credit. She is pathetically weak. I'm sure I don't understand why you have spent so much time communicating with her.

A nuisance is what you have gifted me. How did you even come to know her? She is virtually invisible, has made herself so. Why should I waste my time on a wisp? I am sure this is another move simply executed to bring you entertainment. You fall victim to boredom more often than anyone I know.

Did you not have some ridiculous scheme involving the twins? Surely, your attentions are better focused there instead of reminding me how creative you are when it comes to trying my patience. Perhaps I could turn the wisp into something of a sidekick. She could assist me in schemes to entertain myself at your expense.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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