Breaking up with - Scenario

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Carl - It took place in a jail cell, Carl on the other side with handcuffs.

"Carl you can't keep doing this" I said in disappointment. "When I get out lets runaway" he said ignoring my remark. "CARL LISTEN" I yelled holding onto the bars as tears begin to fall into my cheek one by one as my face grew red from the anger that built inside. "I'll try not to get caught next time" he said holding onto the bars with me. "No you don't understand" I paused before continuing again, "You can't do this, therefore I'm leaving you"

"Wait wh-?", "bye Carl" I said letting go the bars and looked back before leaving and accepting the fact that I'm not going to see his face again.

Lip- Took place at your house and he treated you like shit.

"Oh my god Y/N your over reacting" he said pulling his hair in frustration. "Really? I'm overreacting why I wonder why because you FUCKED SOMEONE BEHIND MY BACK" I screamed, spitting throughout the yells, in frustration. I took my black coat and held a hand over my forehead noticing it burn in anger.

"Shut up SHUT UP Y/N YOU DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT SITUATION IM IN RIGHT NOW" he screamed back grabbing the nearest glass, which happened to be a vase, and threw it at me hitting the wall. "I'm done with you and your bullshit" I said pushing him out the door. "Wait Y/-" he said before the door slammed shut on his face.

On the other side of the door where outside lays, Lip begin the punch the air knowing he fucked up he tried to find his happy place but couldn't find because he lost his.

Mickey- It took place at the bar and it went well.

"Hi Mickey!" I said smiling at him. "Hey" he said bluntly taking a sip of vodka and placing it beside the coaster (because he's a badass) and faced me. "I have something to tell you" I begin and took breaths between every five words to prevent myself from hyperventilating. "I think we should take a break from each other" I said. "Okay that's fine with me" he said facing me again.

"Forever" I muttered. "He choked on his vodka and placed it on coaster. "Take a break forever like, breaking up with me?" He asked.

"Yeah we don't have that spark anymore and plus you know that Russian girl over there?" I said pointing to a beautiful lady with brown hair. "She's for you not Me" I said before kissing his forehead and leaving.

Ian- Ian broke up with you because of something you did not expect of.

"Y/N" Ian called out. "Yeah?" I asked. "I think we need to break up" he said bluntly. "What?" I questioned blankly. "I'm sorry it's just when I'm with you I'm living through this guilt that burns inside me and it reminds that I can't love you the same as much as you love me" he explained. "Okay" I said closing my eyes breathing in and out. "I-I'm gay" he admitted.

"Your what?" I said surprised. "I'm gay" he repeated. "How? W-why? Are you sure?" I asked I wasn't tying to disappoint him and sound like I don't except him, or if that is he's not gay. "I don't know" he said putting his hands in his jacket.

I bit into my lip and looked outside. Snow began to pour and my mind scattered around the place looking for what kind of reaction I should do or how and what do I respond, I smiled and kissed his cheek "that's fine I still love you though"

Kevin- Kevin is something.

"Kevin you better not go upstairs because if you do I will not show up tomorrow" I said sitting down. "Are you saying that I have to choose over our kids or you?" He questioned in disappointment. "The kids are fed, wiped and played with they're fine" I said coldly. "the kids are crying" he said getting frustrated with me. "Kevin!" I yelled out watching him go upstairs. I bit the inside of my lip and begin packing my stuff.

"I can't believe your doing this" he said holding the baby in his arms. I walked out the door and took a good glance at him. "My momma bear, my little mama bear" he said as I shut the door.

I called a taxi and got inside I looked out the window as I laid my head on my seat.

I would never leave you. Ever. You gotta know that. After everything we've been through, you kinda just have to know that.

A/N I'm back!!! What Kevin said to Veronica fucked me up. He's a great actor and has the best character he's just great.

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