Chapter 1

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It was two days before Christmas in Holmes Chapel, and all the town was buzzing about the return of Harry Styles.

Harry was my best friend before the X Factor two years ago, and we promised to communicate. Harry held up his end of the bargain, by constantly texting and emailing me updates, but when he almost got kicked off, I saw myself as a distraction and stopped responding. He kept texting me, but after a while he took the hint and stopped. I think it was for the best though because now he has four new guy best friends.

Part of the reason Harry and I were friends is because they lived across the street from us. When we moved from America they were the first family to greet us. My room faced the street, where security guards lined the barricades that were put up to stop One Direction fans from attacking Harry's house and family.

I glanced out the window as a black, Chevy suburban pulled up the driveway. I saw a mop of curly hair get out of the car, and girls started going wild. He briefly spun around and glanced at my window, but I stepped away before he could see me. The one thing I don't feel like doing over Christmas break is reconnecting with Harry Styles.

I grabbed my purse and ran downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going to work," I told her as I went out the door.

"BE BACK BY MIDNIGHT!" She called after me.

"Sure," I mumbled as I got into my car. Ever since my dad left her, she's tried to be more of an authority figure, but she never punishes me. I pulled out of my driveway, and into the alley when someone got into my car.

"GOD, HARRY! WHAT THE HELL?" I clutched the wheel.

"Just drive!" Harry ducked down so no paparazzi would see him.

"TO WHERE?!?" I exclaimed. "I have to go to work!"

"Then go!" Harry placed a hat over his head.

"I can't take you to work," I slammed on the brakes.

"Please, Tara," Harry placed his hand on my thigh, and when I saw his face I sensed desperation.

"Fine," I sighed.

"So how are you?" Harry asked awkwardly.

"Currently? Frightened," I swerved into a parking lot.

"Sorry, I thought you could do me a favor since we're friends," Harry muttered.

"We haven't talked in two years," I retorted.

"And whose fault is that?" Harry's raised his voice.

"I see you still have that temper," I got out of the car and Harry followed me. "Don't come in!"

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Wait in the car. I'll crack a window," I told him.

"In the middle of winter?" Harry narrowed his eyes at me.

"Fine," I sighed. "Come on."

I strolled into the warehouse where my photoshoot was and signed in.

"I have a plus one," I told the woman who signed me in.

"Plus ones aren't allowed!" She snapped.

"Hello," Harry smiled charmingly at her, and her jaw dropped.

"I guess we could make an exception," she winked at Harry, and we continued walking towards my dressing room

I went in mine and a tornado of stylists surrounded me. After they were done with my hair and makeup, I was handed a short, tight, black, Calvin Klein dress. I slid off my skirt and Harry looked away.

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