Chapter 1

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Frazer kept blabbing about my new family, he said that there is 7 kids already staying here, and I would make 8. Because whoever adopted me must have been not thinking right, and perhaps made a mistake. I was ready to leave at a moments notice.

"So Alex , I know that this is a big change from the foster homes, but Mr. Daniels is a very nice man, and everyone he adopts never wants to leave because he is so kind and thought full of your extraordinary needs." I was snapped out of my sour mood, Daniels, as I'm Ben Daniels, Fox from training is adopting me.

"He has a brother too who lives here, and 4 other men who come around sometimes to visit . They aren't his brothers but they are close and the rest of them call them uncle , it might be early for all of that but someday if you decide to stay, then maybe Mr. Daniels will be your new dad." I didn't bother to answer, I was still in shock from Ben adopting me, and 4 friends that stop by. I can assume 3 are Snake, Wolf, and Eagle. I'm not completely sure about the 4th. His brother is an odd ball too. Ben never mentioned a brother at all when I was around him.

"What has you thinking so hard Alex ." I ignore his chiding tone and continue to look out the window . I haven't talked since jack died. Which was almost 4 months ago. Frazer tells me nobody is going to want me if I never talk to them. I just ignore him.

We pull up into a three story house that is about 30 yards wide. Frazer gets out of the car so I assume that this is Bens house. I take a deep breath before I get out. I shut my door and look around while walking to the trunk. This has become around common occurance, looking around. I will never allow around other human to bring me somewhere and I am am not ready for an attack. I learned that the hard way .

"Frazer" I turn to see who just spoke. I already knew he was there he wasn't being quiet about his steps. Obviously not the stealthy spy that Ben is.

He has black hair and hazel eyes. He He seems He seems to be a couple of years older then my 15. He walks to Frazer Frazer and gives him a hug. He knows him, and is comfortable with him . I wonder if he know that he is a MI6 agent he is hugging.

He peers over Frazer and looks forwards me. He smiles before heading over towards me. My mind starts going into overdrive. I frantically back away from him when he starts to open up his arms. I'm saved by Frazer as he grabs onto his arms and whispers something into his ear . Understanding appears on his face and he backs away from me.

"So kid, what's your name?" I just blankly stare at him before going back to the trunk and pulling my stuff out. I hear Frazer in the background telling him I don't talk either. This is great, I have been here for 2 minutes and I am already messing this up.

"Well Alex I'm chase, your older brother, foster brother. I'm the oldest of the family. 18 years old. It's nice to have you coming to stay with us. Trust me, you aren't the first stray that dad has brought home. I was the first actually. He helped me get out of a tough spot, and whatever you are dealing with I'm sure he will be able to help." I stare at him, he literally just called me a stray, like a dog that nobody wants.

"Well dad is inside with April and Summer playing barbies , so he probably doesn't knows that you are here." I nod but know that Ben does know that we were here. If the curtain falling back into place is any indication.

We walk towards the door. Chase opens it and leads inside. I make sure not to touch him, in case I am not able to control myself, and somehow hurt him. I feel his gaze on my back as we walk towards what I am assuming is the living room . Frazer stops and turns towards me a puts a hand on my shoulder, I flinch but don't move away. I'm use to him touching me like this, but I still keep a worry eye on his face and hand.

"Hey Frazer, sorry I didn't come out to great you and Alex welcome, I was busy playing barbies with April and Summer ." There are 2 little girls on either side of him. They look identical, twins. They look to be around 5 years old. I don't want to get close to them. Guess that's going to be a problem seeing as both of them and Dre heading towards me right now.

"Hi Alex , it's nice to meet you. I'm summer and this is my sister April . Will you play barbies with us sometime?" I look down at them and give a small nod. It's the most human interaction I have had for months. They both squeal making me flinch before launching themselves at my legs .

I freeze, my mind instantly goes to when I was stuck in the tank with the jelly fish, and it tentacles wrapping around my legs. I reach down slowly to there arms and unwound them from my legs, and gently push them away. I see Ben, Frazer and chase let out deep breaths. I'm surprised too, that has never happened. I have put a lot of people into the hospital in the past 4 months.

I look at summer and April . They are still right in front of me. Quaker puts her arms up and expects me to pick her up. There is a stare down between the 2 of us. She isn't going to back down, I look towards Ben for help. He immediately gets my dilemma.

"Hey summer and April , why don't you go and play with your barbies, I'm sure would want to play with you." They both frantically nod and pull chase away from me. He let's out a loud groan but allows the 2 little girls pull him along.

"Hey Al, it's been awhile since I have seen you. How have you been?" I look into Bens eyes and see a desperate look. I have to force myself to shrug my shoulders. I can trust Ben, he was shot for me. He has saved my life before . He gives me a small smile. I don't bother returning one knowing that it won't come.

"Well thank you Frazer . We will see you soon for Alex decision if he wants to stay or go." Ben tells Frazer giving him the hint that he can now leave. Frazer nods and smiles at me before leaving. I feel a weight lift of my shoulders, that man makes me nervous.

"Alex?" I look at Ben from underneath my eyelashes .

"Are you sure you are okay. I only knew you needed a home because it's been floating around MI6 that you were in foster care. I don't know what MI6 has done to you, but obviously it's nothing good. I just want to help you come back. And I hope you will let me. Can i....... can I give you a hug." He opened his arms and started towards me.

I shuffle forwards until I was in his arms. He tenderly put them around me, I slowly brought my arms up and rounded gripped the back of Bens shirt.

In the past 10 minutes that I have been here, this family has and rounded ready started to break down some of the walls that I have been furiously making in the past 4 months. And that scares me.

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