Chapter 3

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I gasp as I wake up from another nightmare. This time it was when I was snipped outside of the bank. I snipped at tip and ran a hand through my bed hair. This happens every night. I fall asleep at 10 and wake up at 2 or 3, take a shower, sit in my bed until it is time to go down for dinner.

I grunt as I get up to take a shower, my bullet wound is throbbing in pain from the remembrance , plus it was only a year ago. A wound like this should take around 2 years until fully healed, but since I was super active when it first happened,It most likely will always give me trouble, and that means pain, which means medicine.

I got out of the shower and get changed before leaving the room, not wanting anybody accidently see my scarred body. I walk to my room and collapsed onto my bed. I let out a sigh, this is what my life will be . Scared, scarred, and tired. I will never be able to go back to normal, unless Ben is there for me. He is the only person I really trust right now. Maybe David since he has also proven himself before. Otherwise it will be a slim chance that anyone will be able to bring me back.

"Alex it's time for breakfast. Hurry up." I jump in fright before calming myself down. I slowly walk down the stairs and grabbing the bag with my name on it from the bottom step. It has everyth I no in it that I will need for school. I smile and throw it over my shoulder before walking into the kitchen. I'm the last one down to eat, even David is already here. I take my seat and quietly eat my food.

I felt eyes on me so I looked up. I saw Spencer staring at me from across the table. I look side to side to make sure nobody sees me. I turn back to Spencer and stuck my tongue out at him. He squeals and giggles, I try and tell him with my eyes to be quiet but he only gets louder. I force my eyes back down to my plate hoping he doesn't name any names.

"Spencer what's wrong. Why are you giggling like that?" I give him a deadly look for underneath my eyelashes, but he only squeals louder. My cheeks get red from him bringing all the attention to us.

"Alex made a funny face, and then he started glaring at me, but it was funny because he thought he was scary, but he is really blushing so it doesn't help the tough guy look." He giggles more from his spot in the table.

I slowly lift my head from my plate gaze around the table, everyone seems amused besides Luna. I don't get what her problem is, maybe she just doesn't like new people. I guess I can give her a chance .

"Alex, did you really do that." Ben asked in a tone indicating he already knew the answer. I felt my blush redden as he continued to gaze at me. My eyes were anywhere that his weren't.

He let out a booming laugh follower by everyone else. I looked up and saw Luna leaving the room in the chaos. I really need to find out what her problem is.

"Okay, okay. I'm done , so down to business. Today I am going into school with Alex so I can get him registered before school starts. We are leaving in 20 minutes, anyone who wants a ride and goes to the high school can leave with us or wait for the bus. Remember to come straight home since your uncles are coming over along with my mom and dad. Don't get into any fights, and please don't pull any pranks at school."

Well it seems as I will be seeing k-unit sooner then I expected. Hopefully I can survive school first to meet Bens parents.


I watch out the window as Ben drove to the school. Only Luna is in the car because Ben wanted her to come with . She was not pleased by the turn of events, she even told me off when I went for the front seat of the car saying I didn't belong there and that I have to earn it. Yeah, earn it , like all I have done for this world wasn't enough now I have to earn my seat in the car? Great.

I watched as he pulled up into the school parking lot. I can already see many familiar faces, and I am sure that they will be able to recognize me, if not now, but when the teacher c all my name for roll call. Wonderful.

"Common Alex ,we left early so that we wouldn't be late, but if you are going to be sitting in the car all day it won't make a difference ." I do quickly before getting out of the car and stepping next to Ben . Luna has already ran away to her friends. I can see her from here, I can also see all the looks she is getting from the student, sort of like when I lived here and everyone thought I did drugs. But it was different , obviously she did something that the school body didn't appreciate very much.

"I'm sorry about Luna , she is just in a tough spot with her friends, I swear she isn't usually this bad." I give him a look that he only chuckles at before pulling me into the building.

I see some stares on me, I don't look back knowing that if I do that they would most likely notice me and everyone would know by first period that druggy Alex is back in school. I don't want Ben to know about my past here. It also wouldn't help of Tom found put that I was here, but by rumors. He is going to be so pissed at me, I haven't talked to him since Venice, and that was a very long time ago.

"Hi, I have a new student. His name is Alex rider. He should be in 10th form." I looked up and saw a new secretary since Ms.Bedforshire. I let out a sigh, it would be difficult if she still worked here.

I seem to have spoken to early because a side door opened and out walk Ms. Bedforshire, and who I assume is the new principal. I tried to hide behind but the secretary is an extremely loud person.

"Okay, here is Mr. Riders schedule , Alex you will have Mr. Beck as your homeroom teacher. Here is a map of the school, so that if you get lost you have a little help. Ok?" I cringe as I see her snap her head over once she hears my name. I timidly grab my things and shoot a quick peek at her from the corner of my eye.

"Alex? Is that you? Oh my gosh Alex , you haven't been to school for over 5 months, what happened ?" She exclaimed from her spot . I shrug my shoulders from my spot refusing to look at Ben or her eyes.

She quickly walks over to me and pulls me into a crushing hug. And starts rocking me. It takes all of my will power to nit rip her arms off of me and throw her across the room.

"Oh everyone thought we lost you to the drugs. I told them that Alex would never get caught in all of that stuff, expecially since we all knew how your uncle was about that stuff. I told them you were a good kid , only Mr. Simi believed me, and that is because I'm pretty sure she has a crush on you, but believe me Alex I have always believed you were a good kid and would never do any of that stuff." I stared at her wide eyed, lost to drugs? My teachers thought I was lost to drugs, or my gosh.

I chance a look towards Ben and see he has a confused face. He obviously doesn't know about my non-existent drug problem , I mean obviously the whole school does. He gives me a question glance and I just shrug me shoulders , telling him I have no idea what is happening.

"Alright, I will let you get to class, but come and is it me any time you want or if you ever need any help during school with the bullies . Okay?" I nod hurrying to get out of her arms. She nods before walking back into her office. Okay, I guess people do remember me as the druggy kid who lost his uncle.

I waved at Ben before leaving and going to my first class. This day has already turned for the worst. There is no way I am going to be able to go to this school and keep up this facade. At least until I see Tom.

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