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The school was huge it looked like a big brick castle. But i just got out and headed for the office, awaiting my schedule. I was already getting stares. No stop it you werid asian kid. I sigh to myself and glance around ew people stop looking at me, no,no go away stop it shoo, scram. Today was going to be long I can tell already. I walk past the center peice of a foutain with a dolphin statue. Must be their mascot. Man this place is so big I might get lost and die  on the first day, i'd be alone so no compliants.

I managed to find the office a woman with dark hair and hazel eyes, ew i hate hazel eyes, looked up at me her professionaly clothing style slightly irritated me. What the hell did I walk into?  "Can i help you?"  she asked " Uhm i guess. I'm Cher Satori" i flinched at the sound of my own name. " Just transfered here from Vales High"  i ssay with little effort. "Ah yes" She opens her draw and pulls out a paper with My name, Schedule,Locker and  Combination on it. I walk out going to find the area my locker is located in, hoping it wasn't in the middle of a crowd. "428" I mumbled to myself looing where i was going slightly. I kept my music on, my ear buds never detected. I found my locker thankfully it was at the end of a hallway near the cafetira out of the crowded areas, I open it just to get used to the comination, When I shut it i nearly jump out of my skin.

There was a guy behind my locker door looking at me "You're the New girl yes?" He asked with his dark fringy hair with blonde highlights  amazing blue eyes and slight tanned skin, he had either a british or australian accent, I couldn't really tell. He looked like he walked out of a scene kid band. He had a white T-shirt on with a black jean vest with skinny jeans and converse  to match. Oh! and those snake bites."Yeah I guess i mean i have a name" i said with no effort and no emotion turning my back to him "Whoa whoa, Little lady why so icey?"he  asked getting infront of me walking backwards. "Leave me alone" I tell him, unused to human contact. He watched me "Your strange, i like you yup i do" he reassured himself "We're gonna be good friends uhm...?" he looked at me for my name "Cher, Cher Satori" i tell him "Cool my names'  Quinn Hills " he introduced himself proceeding to follow me as i was walking away. "Should I add 'Harley' to that ? " I ask making a reffrence to Batman. " Ah we got a little nerd in the house" he says cheerfully, his eyes smiling right at me. Stop with the eyes...god those beautiful like ocean water..wait what the fuck am i thinking shut up mind shut your fucking self up right now

"What's your schedule?" Quinn asks brightly. "Is it any of your concern?" I question trying to get away from this flamboyant teen. He snatches my schedule "What the-" I'm cut off as he beams happily "Yay you have Advanced English 3 with me!" He takes my hand dragging me to class, this kid has some weird issues. He pulls me into the class I hide my face from the class and sunlight. "Ms.Laurens! " he squealed. "We have a new student her name is Cher Satori!" I however with held my enthusiasim. "Well..Welcome Cher"  Ms. Laurens said kindly with her ginger hair abd  bright silvery green eyes. "You can sit by Quinn" she said warmly. The girls seem to melt staring at him.They whispered about me. I took my seat and didn't speak letting the day take it's course.

Lunch was so organizied. It was kinda scary. Quinn didn't even let me  attempt to get in line though, not like i was  going to "GUYS!" he exclaimed "This is Cher!" I wanted to hit him. Other groups of people stared at me as I took a seat with a bunch of guys and 3 chicks who looked like they too fit in a band. "Like the singer Cher?: questioned the Guy sitting next to Quinn, his hair was black like the night sky with a streak of blonde on the side the showed more of his gauges. He wore a black T-shirt with a grey hoodie over it his jeans a little torn, he was rugged. I bring myself to only nod slightly "Cool" he gave me a guys charming smile, his eyes were silver and he had a  mexican tan to him. "Carson stop flirting with the new girl" Quinn joked. Carson threw his hands up "I surrender you caught me but hey, she is cute" he winked at me. I just erased that from my mind. Cute?Is that even possible for me? Two guys across from us are playfully arguing about what went on last night One hade brown hair  with an auburn tint and choppy his skin fairly pale  he had a nose peircing and her wore a base black checkered hoodie and i couldn't see the rest, the other had hald his head shaved and then his bangs came down to his cheek He had black hair and a blue under layer, He wore some bands' tank top, I think it said 'The Misfits'. Quinn stood up "Guys we all know you slept together don't deny it" Quinn laughed and they turned on him.

It was kind of amusing, The three chicks sat together one with perfectly bright red hair, Man that dye color is awesome her skin pale  like snow she was in a white dress and black combat boots. her eyes covered in eyeliner but it helped the green pop. The next girl had shiny black hair caramel skin dark brown eyes. Her style was simple and it fit her, a red  t shirt and black ruffled shirt she wore some knee high boots though.The last girl had blonde hair but near the top it was pink and blue. it was cut to her mid neck and straight. She wore a low cut  pink v-neck shirt and some tight ass jeans comfy tennis shoes though. They waved at me kindly "The one with red hair is Eliza, The onle with the Black hair is Dakota and the last one is Lila but we call her Lilac " Quinn told me. I only gave a nod. 

I was glad when school was over, i've had question, students and Auinn up my ass, no i just wanted to lock myself in my room and never come out. I looked trauatized "Cher! wait!" Quinn called me over With Lilac and Carson. "Want to go have a smoke behind school with us before you leave?" he asked. I'd never done it before but theres always a first time for everything. I nod and follow them behind the school were no one can see, Carson gives me a cigarette "Hey Cher, wanna come to our party Saturday its gonna be epic" he invited " I'll see what i can do " I mumble taking a hit. It wasn't long before we finnished our cigarettes. Lilac slipped me a box an a lighter " Incase you slip" she smiled as we all disperesed. Was this what it was like too have friends? I don't even remember how sad. I found 'Dad's ' car sitting across the street and got in. "where were you?" he asked "I got lost" i say with out even looking at him, he drives off with out a word. 

When we got home I locked my door finding everything from my old room up here. I begin to arrange it and soon found myself on my bed asleep. I can't remember if there was a smile on my face or not. 

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