Optimus Prime's POV
"Optimus I'm detecting an energy signal approaching at a fast rate I'll send you the landing coordinates" Ratchet said "alright thank you Ratchet Autobots transform and roll out but proceed with caution we are unsure of what to expect." As we approached the coordinates we saw a cybretronian femme laying on the ground she looked familiar but I couldn't remember from where. "Optimus she looks injured pretty bad I think we should get her back to Ratchet so he can fix her up" I looked at Ironhide as he said this "yes I do believe you are correct Ironhide" I proceed to comlink Ratchet to be ready for our arrival.
Time skip
Terranova aka Tara's POV
When I woke up I could see that the Autobots were looking at me like I had another head or something "what, where am I" as I asked this I saw Optimus' optics widen at he knew me or something. "You are in our makeshift base at the moment" I looked around to see where this so called makeshift base is I must say it looked a lot like Mares. "We're on Mares aren't we?" they looked shocked that I knew we we're on Mares "yes we are. I'm-".
"Yeah I know who all of you are, you are Optimus prime the leader of the Autobots, this is your medic Ratchet, your weapons specialist is Ironhide, the second in command to the Autobots is Jazz and your scout is Bumblebee" I said while pointing to each one of them as I said their names.
"Terranova is that you" Optimus asked me and I just looked at him in confusion "who" I asked Optimus looked sadden at what I said. "I'm sorry I just thought that -" Optimus began but Ratchet cut him off "no you're right Optimus she is Terranova but it appears that she has forgot who she is at the moment" again I was confused "what no my name is Tara Washok I'm a 21 year old woman who works for a bus company with my dad and the last thing I remember is that there was a bomb on the bus and I made the choices of taking the bomb and getting it as far away from the bus so that they would live. After the bomb went off I knew I was died but I was thrown into darkness the next thing I knew I was talking to Primus and he said that he will give me a second chance and bring me back to live here in this world as his daughter and he also said that I would help end this war and bring back what has been torn back together again also that he would send me with a gift for me I guess."
"Well you did disappear right as the war started that would explain your absences and your loss of memory sense you were in another world as you say" Ratchet said. "So what did I forget?" I asked Optimus once again looked sad so I asked "what is it Optimus" he looked at me and said "you forgot me" was all he said "what?" I asked shocked "you are Optimus' sparkmate" Ratchet answered 'what how can I forget something that amazing' I thought 'you had no chose I made you forget and I'm sorry for that but I had to do it you must understand that' 'was that Primus I guess it was' that was when a cyber cat walked in it looked like Ravage but it seemed familiar then I knew that the gift that Primus was talking about was that he would bring Prowl with me I looked at Optimus and said "we will work this out even if it's a little but at a time we will work through this and to let you know even when I was a human I loved you and I will always love you."
He smiled and kissed me on the lips and said "and I will always love you sweetspark." At that I got up and went over to the cyber cat "Prowl is that you?" I asked and when I did the cat meowed and rubbed up against me right then and there I knew it was my baby boy I hugged him I was so happy to see him again. "We found him grading you but stepped aside when he saw Optimus" Ratchet said I looked at Prowl and thanked him and stound back up.
"So let's get you to your room shall we there is something else that I think you might what to see" Optimus said as we start to head to where my room is Optimus started to speck "Terra I'm going to send you with Bumblebee in the morning so that you can help him locate this human that has something that can lead us to the alspark before the Decepticons find it."
I looked at him and I knew exactly what he was talking about and I knew right where to find it but I couldn't change thing that much so I knew I had to go along with the plain "ok Optimus I will do this but you have to promise me you won't do anything stupide ok?" and he just nodded at me and we turned in for the night.

Second Chance
Adventurethis story is about a 21 year old woman who sacrifices herself to save her father and the students when a bomb is found on the bus where they work she has to make a quick decision on rather have the lives of many parish or just one when she makes th...