Right now we are in a helicopter we have the helmets that the pilots have on, on everyone but me has their hands free but mine are still cuffed fun right. There is two civilians in front of us and the blonde one who is Maggie and the other one is Glen. "So?" Sam said "what'd they get you for?" Maggie asked "I bought a car turned out to be an alien robot oh and my adopted sister is one of them also, how knew?" Sam answered pointing to me. I turned to him and gave him a look then turned back to Maggie and Glen and smiled at them "wow" Glen said "but how do you look human?" Maggie asked "well I'm the only one of my kind that can transform into a human"
When we got to Hoover Dam they immediately toke me away from the group and into the dam to a room with a lot of medical abutment and a gurney in the middle of the room they made me change into a hospital gown. Then they made me get on the gurney then they strapped me down to it. "You're probably wondering why we brought you here, made you change your clothes and strapped you to a bed aren't you?" a men with a lab coat on asked I nodded my head and he continued
"well we know that you are like those other two robots and seeing that are female and they are male we wanted to see if your kind can reproduce like we can and sense they are unable to come in here we have taken some of what we think is sperm from MBE1 and now we are going to inject it in you to see if are theory is correct." He finished explaining
After he was done explaining everything my face had a look of horror on it because I knew who MBE1 is its Megatron and I couldn't let this happen "please you don't understand you can't do this please" I pelted but they wouldn't listen to a word I said so I tried to escape but they injected something in my arm "what was that?" I asked "a little sedative so you won't be able to fight us" he said
I could feel them inject me with what they got from Megatron and I started to cry (Optimus I'm so sorry I couldn't fight back the human scientists injected me with a sedative and then they did something horrible they injected me with Megatron's CNA to get me sparked I'm so sorry Optimus there was nothing I could do.) I commed him
(It's fine my love you had no way of fighting them of you did everything you could have done.) He commed (you're not mad?) I asked (at you? No. at them? Yes.) He said. I could hear the scientists talking "we are going to scan her to see if it worked" one said they began to scan me when they were done I looked up at the screen to see that I was indeed sparked not once but twice how'd that happen then I thought about what Optimus and I did last night. I was sparked with Optimus' and Megatron's sparklings,
"Well it looks like it worked so my theory was correct now we will monitor her until she gives birth." There was some noise out in the hall and then Sam burst through the door with some other people behind him "let my sister go!" he said while coming over to me and untying me. "Sam oh thank Primus you're here thank you so much saving me." There was a suit next to the bed so I grabbed it and got changed into it. looked like one of the suits that the agents from shield wear.
Time skip after I got out of that room
"What you're about to see is totally classified." Tom said as we walked into Megatron's hanger as we walked into the hanger it felt like he was looking at me and then it happen [I see that you have a human form now Terranova.]It was him [how'd you know it was me Megatron?] I asked [I could sense you were near and I can also sense what those disgusting flashlings toke from me was my CNA and it seems that they injected it into you, so you are now sparked by me what would Optimus say? How would he feel that he couldn't do it first?] He asked
[Well for your information I told him so he does know and he has done it first I was sparked before I even got to this dam] he was quiet after I said that "dear god, what is that?" John asked I looked at him and he kind of looked scared and surprised at the same time I mean who wouldn't look like that when you see a giant alien robot standing in front of you when you're not used to seeing them right?

Second Chance
Adventurethis story is about a 21 year old woman who sacrifices herself to save her father and the students when a bomb is found on the bus where they work she has to make a quick decision on rather have the lives of many parish or just one when she makes th...