Tara's / Terra's POV
I was in my human form and in Megatron's hand. We were waiting for one of the cons to bring Sam. I hear a chopper come over the warehouse that we are in and it dropped a car through the roof I could hear screaming coming from the car and as it crashed into the floor I saw that Sam, Mikaela and Leo were in the car. Starscream cut the car in haft and then they all got out of the now cut in haft car.
"Come here boy, you remember me don't you?" Megatron said Sam came closer and started to walk down the stairs. "Tara and I did what you said, ok? Just don't hurt us" Sam said "shut up!" Megatron said as he picked up Sam and through him onto a cement slab and then held him down on it.
"Sam! STOP you're hurting him" I yelled at Megatron he just tightened his grip on me. At that point I had enough so I started to transform and when I was done I was facing him with my gun pointed at him and charged up ready to shot. "I said leave him alone." I said "Starscream restrain her for me while I take care of this pest." while Megatron said this Starscream came up behind me and hocked my arms behind me so I couldn't move. I struggled to get free but it was no use.
"Now where were we? Aw yes, I'm going to kill you slowly, painfully, but first, we have some delicate work to do. Doctor, examine this alien specimen." Megatron said the little con came up onto Sam's chest and started to examine him. "I'll scan you. Let's take a look at your face." The doctor said then he snapped his fingers and then some flying thing came in with some slimy thing.
The doctor heled Sam's mouth open so that the slimy thing can go in when it was done the thing started to project images from Sam's mined some of them were symbols they looked like they were Cybretronian words. "There they are. These symbols can lead us to the Energon source." Megatron said "we must have the brain on the table!" the doctor said "brain? What does he mean by my brain?" Sam asked Megatron "well you have something on your mind, something I need." Megatron said.
Little time skip
Just as the doctor was about to cut open Sam's head Optimus crashed through the roof "Optimus!" I said. I was so happy to see him I through my head back into Starscream's head so he would let me go and when he did I run to Optimus as he went outside and Sam got in his driver seat I transformed into my car form and followed Optimus as we left the warehouse.
We drove to the woods Optimus let Sam out and Transformed I followed and also transformed after Megatron shot at him I went to help Optimus fight Megatron while Sam hid. We were fighting Megatron when he called for reinforcements "Decepticons!" Megatron yelled.
When he called both Starscream and Blackout came and transformed and started to go after Sam a long with Megatron. Optimus tackled Megatron then he took on Blackout and I took on Starscream. "There is another source of Energon hidden on this planet. The boy could lead us to it." While we were fighting the cons Megatron shot Optimus and sent him flying. "Optimus, are you ok!" I asked when I was fighting with the cons. "is the future of our race not worth a single human life?" Megatron said "you'll never stop at one! We'll take you all on!" I said
Optimus went after Blackout and ripped his head in two and I ripped Starscream's right arm and started to hit him with it. "Sam where are you?" Optimus asked then Megatron came up behind him and stabbed him in the back right through his chest "you're so weak" Megatron said then he shot Optimus though the chest. Then Optimus fell to the ground "Optimus no!" I said as I ran up to him "Optimus it's going to be ok Ratchet's on his way, pleases don't go pleases!" I said
Sam was hiding be hide a fallen tree when he came out and up next to Optimus "Terra take Sam and run don't forget I love you" Optimus said as he faded away "NO! Optimus pleases come back pleases!" I said Bumblebee had to come and take me away. Once we were far away from Optimus he transformed into his car form and I transformed into my human form. Sam, Mikaela, Leo got in Bee while Prowl and I got in Mudflap.
I didn't say anything I just sat in the back and cuddled with Prowl. We arrive at what looks to be an old military fort we drive to a clearing in the fort and stopped everyone got out so that Bee, Skids, and Mudflap could transform.
I went over to the fire pit and transformed my arm and shot at it to start a fire then transformed my arm back to normal. Then I heard the TV that Sam was watching say. "Citizens of the human hive, your leaders have withheld the truth. You are not alone in this universe. We have lived among you, hidden, but no more. As you've seen, we can destroy your cities at will, unless you turn over this boy and girl." At the sound of the Fallen's voice I went over to the TV and saw a picture of Sam and I on the screen "if you resist us, we will destroy the world as you know it." The Fallen said I could not watch it anymore so I just walked away and back to the fire.
Then I heard Leo and Sam having a fight so I went over and toke Leo's phone and through it up and shot it then walked away.

Second Chance
Adventurethis story is about a 21 year old woman who sacrifices herself to save her father and the students when a bomb is found on the bus where they work she has to make a quick decision on rather have the lives of many parish or just one when she makes th...