Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The clock ticks so slowly! How can time be going this slow when I want it to go so fast! I have 15 minutes left and I'm extremely impatient. So I went over to where the birds are and saw Sandy, our last canary. I fed her and let her stand on my shoulder (she was in the big walk-in cage the size of my closet). She started chirping as if she was telling me something and I hear someone say,

"She says she likes you." I turn around and see Niall looking at me and Sandy. I must look like I'm an exhibit at the zoo or something.

"Oh really? You speak Canary now?"

"Nope. But you're a very likeable person so I don't blame it."

"Her. Her name's Sandy." He walks up to the cage and I notice (all late) that he changed clothes. He was wearing a navy blue polo with beige chinos and high tops the same color as his shirt.

"Like Sandy Beales. I wonder who came up with that name, Ana Maria!" he says in a sarcastic tone.

"Guilty... The others were Josh and Dan. You look nice, by the way," I tell him. He runs his hands through his hair and I can't help but sigh at the sight. He's so good looking! Here I am fangirling again.

"Why thank you." He smiles and I do too. I turn my head and Sandy is already off my shoulder. I open the cage door and walk out.

"So, Mr. Horan, where are you taking me for our date?" I ask him, joking.

"It's a surprise," he says, winking.

"Can I go home to change first?"

"Don't bother! You look great!"

"Really?" I blush and look down. I don't think I look so great. "Can I please go home first? I won't feel comfortable."

"Fine. Would you like for me to wait for you outside?"

"You could go inside when we get there, Niall. My mom won't bite your head off or anything!" He blushes and smiles.

"Okay, I'll go inside."

"What time is it?" I ask.

"6:50." Ugh!

"Seriously?" Stupid time! "Well, I should get to work."

"I'll wait with... umm.... Sandra?"

"Sandy," I correct him.

"Right! Sorry, Sandy."

"I'll be right back." I walk towards a lady that's looking lost. "May I help you ma'am?"

"Yes please. Um... My daughter wants a bird. Do you have some here?" Oh... Sandy might leave today. I got too close to her. Great.

"Yes. Of course. Follow me."

"Oh, great! Thank you!"

I walk to the bird section and tell the lady all the breeds we have, avoiding the canary.

"Do you have canaries? My daughter loves Tweety." Oh no.

"Yes but just one." I see Niall looking into Sandy's cage. Can he hear this?

"Excuse me, miss. I'd like to buy this canary for my girlfriend," Niall asked. What??

"Err... Just a minute."

"Oh, is that the last one?" the lady asks, looking around the cage for more birds.

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Can I see the others? This one isn't as cute as that blue one over there."

"Of course."

The lady ended up taking a Cockatoo. Ha! Good luck with that! I walked back to Niall and I just had to ask.

"What was up with that, Niall?!"

"If it's about Sandy, I heard her ask for a Canary, and I know you really like Sandy so I helped you out."

"You know she will end up leaving soon, right?"

"Yeah, she'll leave the store..." He mumbles.


"You'll see. Well, it's time so let's go!"

"Wait! I need my stuff! I'll be back." I go to the back room and get my things from my locker. I look at the inner part of the locker door and see the little picture of Niall with the tight red polo. I sighed and closed the locker. I punched out and walked out the room. Niall was right outside waiting for me.

"Were you following me?" I ask, as we start walking.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." He's looking around as if he's trying to avoid someone.

"You okay there?"

"Yeah, it's just that I saw your boss a while ago."

"And that worries you because...?"

"You'll see."

"Niall James Horan! I don't like surprises!" I tell him.

"Just trust me, Ana Maria! Do you trust me?"

"I just met you..."

"But you can trust me." He says it in such a smooth and soothing way that I just have to believe him.

"For all I know, you could be kidnapping me right now!." He smiles and takes my hand, and I shudder a little. Little sparks went through my arm.

"It's not really kidnapping if you let me take you with me." He turns around and winks at me.

"Yeah, well... Okay, I trust you. Please don't make me regret it!"

"I won't. Promise."

As we walk out the store, I see Melanie, my "joyful" co-worker. She sees us and her mouth forms a perfect "o". I ignore her (that's a first), and keep walking with Niall. He takes me to his car and opens the door for me. I kiss him on the cheek as a way of saying thank you and he blushes to the point where his cheeks turn as red as Rudolph's nose. He closes the door, goes around the car, gets in the car, and returns me the favor, kissing me on the cheek also. I probably did the same thing he did. Best. Night. Ever. And the date hasn't even started yet!

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