Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"I wanna stay UP ALL NIGHT! Ahh! Niall!" I'm singing and screaming and dancing and jumping, while little 6 year-old Mary (my age guessing was off a little) does the same thing.

"Ana! I want to see Liam!" I pick her up and rest her on my hip while she hugs my neck.

"Look, Mary! He's over there on the other side!"

"Liam!" She starts yelling his name and I continue singing. Then, Niall trots to center stage, points at me (or this general direction), grins, then waves.

"OMG! Ana!" The only reason she's allowed to call me "Ana" is because she says "Maria" the English way and, well, that, to me, is pronouncing my name wrong. I know, I'm special.

"Did you see that, Mary?! Niall waved at us!" She starts screaming her little head off and I gladly join in. Then, we start chanting Harry's part in the bridge and come back singing stronger than ever! Looks like the adrenaline is kicking in! When the song ends, we all go crazy! The boys welcome us and we're all ecstatic as they speak one by one. As Niall is about to finish his speech (or at least I thought so), he surprises us all by adding these words...

"You know, guys. I'm looking for this one real special girl. You've seen her all in picture, I'm sure. I can't seem to find her." Oh, how cute. He's pretending he can't find me even though I'm in an EMPTY ROW. He puts his hand over his eyes like a sailor looking for land. "Oh, wait! There she is!" Land ho... Every single organism in this venue turns to look at me as he points right at Mary and I.


"Yes, Mary?"

"Is Niall the one who's playing the trick on you?"

"Yes, Mary."

"Ana Maria?" Niall calls. Every girl starts screaming and I hear one shriek from the top section. Flo...

"Ana!!" Mary points to the screens on the side of the stage and my jaw drops to the floor. There we are! Mary immediately brings my jaw back up as we both seem to realize how stupid I look. Oh, Lord Jesus, no. Don't let me pass through an embarrassment!

"Too late," says a little voice in my head. Back outside of it, a numerous amount of screaming surrounds us. Some in anger, some in excitement. Can somebody explain what's going on? All I know is that Niall Horan's lips are moving, and the girls in front of me seem to be yelling at me and are pointing to the stage.

"Ana!! Let's go!! Why aren't you moving?!"

"Come on up here, Ana Maria."

"Woman, drop the child and go up there!!"

"Bring her too."


"Ow!" I turn to look at Mary and she's looking at me with big bug eyes.

"Get a hold of yourself and move your legs!" She yells.

"Mary!" Replies her mom.

"Please... And sorry for hitting you." Mary adds.

I turn back to Mary's mom and she lifts her chin signaling me to listen to her child. I rush to the edge of the row towards the stairs leading to the stage. As soon as we're onstage, we're blinded by lights and deafened by loud, shrill screams. I continue walking and shift my view to Niall, who's glistening with drops of sweat. We both walk to each other and meet center stage with a big hug, my free arm around his waist, both his arms around my shoulder, and Mary's around Niall's neck.

"Let me carry her," he whispers into my ear. I pass her to him and he carries her like I had her. Mary, of course, goes crazy, and I step back to let her have her moment. "What's your name, sweetie?" He asks her, into the microphone, then he angles it at her so she could answer.

"Mary Rose Jones!"

"Well, Mary Rose Jones, do you see that girl over there?" He points at me, and I look back, pretending I didn't know he meant me. Mary nods and looks at me with glistening eyes. "Is she your friend?"

"My best friend!" Some people in the crowd started Aww-ing and I laugh.

"Well, she's the most amazing friend you could ever have. She's beautiful, kind, caring, funny, and smart. She's the reason I woke up with a smile this morning and the reason why I'll wake up with a smile tomorrow. And you know what, Mary Rose Jones?"

"What?" She replies, with that huge smile on her face.

"I-... Well, I love her."

And the crowd goes wild! I probably look like an idiot that's about to cry. I'm tearing up! My GOSH! Ana Maria! Don't be stupid! Go to him!

I run to Niall and hug him and I don't want to let go. Ever.

"Can you put me down, Niall?" He puts her down and she joins in the embrace. She looks up at me with that smile again.

"I love you, too, Niall," I whisper in his ear.

"Well don't just tell me! Tell everyone!" He points the microphone to me and I give him an "I'll get you back later" glare. I take the microphone reluctantly, look out to the arena, back to the rest of the band members, and notice the boys from 5 SOS peeking through the curtains. Great. The audience has just increased!

"Umm... Well, as you can probably tell, I'm not ready to give a speech of any type. All I can really say is... Niall James Horan. Ever since I laid my eyes on you in the One Direction X-Factor video diaries, I knew you were special, and beautiful, and that if for some crazy reason we were to meet, you'd be the one for me." He takes back the microphone and throws me a smile.

"Ana Maria. Will you... Gosh, this is embarrassing..." At this point, a good portion of the audience starts yelling and cheering. "Will you..." He takes a long, dramatic pause. "Tie my shoelace?" He sticks his foot out and shows me his white high tops with a loose shoelace. I look up at him with a confused expression.

"I'm pretty sure those... are meant to be... loose..." I mumble, still dumbfounded. He recovers his posture and laughs that beautiful laugh that enchanted me from the start, but then calms down and plays with his hands.

"I would love it if you could... Be my princess?" He ended the phrase like a question and I couldn't help but think of how THE Niall Horan seemed hesitant to ask a girl out and even seem to have fear of being rejected! And, of course, being the fangirl I am, I yell along with all the other girls.


"No, love. I'm not."

"SAY YES!!" The girls chant, and I guess I can't disappoint them now, can I?

"What do ya say, Ana Maria?" Niall asks, still seeming uncertain.

"I'll have to say... Yes. I'll be your princess." As soon as I give my positive reply, he leans in for a kiss. In front of EVERYONE! I look at his face getting closer and closer to me...


Sorry if this is pretty short... I've always wanted to do a cliff hanger! Probably crappy, but there's one thing off my list! Well, I just want to thank my friend, Izzy, for always reminding me and encouraging me to update :P Love ya, Sis! Happy 3rd 1D-versary, by the way you guys!! Thanks for reading!

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