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His eyes held the secrets.

His scars told the tales.

His action spoke of the fear that had been planted.

It wasn't tell that moment when his eyes meet mine that I understood. His eye, his scars, his actions. They held the key. The key to opening his box of secrets.

And as his eyes glazed into mine they were clear. For the first time I could see what he wanted.

He just wanted help.

He wanted out. Out of the fear. He wanted it gone. And I thought for the first time, this is possible. I can fix this. I can make him perfect.

But then his eye glazed over once more, turning back into their fiery orbs of anger and he reared. The lead rope was pulled from my grasp leaving a thick trail of rope burn.

And he ran.


Like I said vote and comment if you want me to continue, if you don't I'll probably won't touch this for a while.

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