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The resistance in her eyes had left. Like ocean waves, emotions crashed on the shore of her face resetting any emotional barrier she had built egging her to give up the battle. He somewhat respected her character and immediately knew this would be the one of his toughest decisions as king. A submissive demeanor creeped into her facial muscles as he felt her tremble from his oncoming verdict. Knelt before him and his Queen, was one of the most wanted criminals Attilan, know for her great intelligence and respect from most Attilans. Like many, a loved one of hers was murdered by a mutant of from The Brotherhood and the governing body did not retaliate against them. She held her chin up seemingly unresponsive to the fact that her life was on the line and wore the chains with pride. The woman who had set off a riot in order to steal weapons from the armory to stock up for a war against the mutants claimed her only regret was the loss of Attilan life which he knew she was sincere about. Only now did Black Bolt (also known as The Silent King) understand how serious this conflict was.
Enraged as he was it wasn't solely for the fact that the criminal before him wanted forgiveness, but the fact that if he allowed her death he would be labeled as a mutant sympathizer. She had killed good men to obtain those weapons which were now on the street, if he forgave her then Magneto's force of mutants would prepare for war. The king knew that it wouldn't just be Magneto's mutants that would be harmed, but innocent ones too. Raising his left hand signaled her death. An uproar went throughout the whole kingdom as fights brewed and people threw debris. This went on for 15 seconds before everyone came to an abrupt halt. He had raised his right hand signaling her forgiveness. The fog of confusion soon enveloped them all as they wall waited for a writer statement of this historical event.The Silent King had motioned for a scribe to which he had given the decree to. Respectfully bowing before taking the letter to the anxious Atillans, the scribe walked up to the balcony before the people where he recited the decree:
From the tongue of Scribe, I Blackagar Boltagon declare this woman both worthy of punishment and of reward for her actions. This woman is to receive 20 lashings on the public square for every Attilan she has killed or her rioters have killed during the riot. If any of the rioters are willing to step forward her lashings shall be deducted and added to he/she that stepped forward. At the conclusion of her lashes she shall be in charge of a tactical strike against the Brotherhood.~ The Attilans roared in excitement cheering for their king in wild banter. Taking the hand of his most Eloquent Queen Blackagar spoke to her through his calculating facial expression asking her to inform the people that Attila was going to war.

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