Chapter 3: En Garde

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"It is not like I like this outcome any better!" Her voice snapped out as her once docile hair flared up along with her anger. Her now boiling eyes stared at Logan's. "I am Queen of Attilan and my people have been threatened! I will not let these inexcusable events go forward! And I don't want you or the X-Men to fight in this war! It is why I came here..." She moved from the male swiftly disappearing into the next room and into the shadows. "I came to warn you... once. Tell your friends to stay out of my way and I will not bother them but until I have the man responsible for Inhuman experimentation and murder I will not let anyone stop me. My people call for his head and I agree with them..... Inhumans are people as well and will be treated as such.... so stay out of my war path Logan... for your sake and mine."
Logan had failed, he knew it this time. He could not fix this one... she had made up her mind before the meeting, he should have figured that. "Wait, Hold on a-" Logan was interrupted by his phone which vibrated with unmatched intensity. He knew he could not ignore it so he took it out and opened his messages. There were only two words that could devastate him beyond recovery and they shown like the gates of hell: "CODE BLACK". Those words could only translate to one thing... Xavier was dead. "GAHHHH" Logan roared extricating his claws, he tore to rewards her like a tiger sinking his into the floor for speed and traction he rammed her into the wall. Putting his claws to her throat he screamed "WHO ORDERED THE HIT ON XAVIER!! YOU BETTER TELL ME AND I FUCKING SWEAR, IF YOU LIE TO ME I WILL FILA YOU BITCH!"

In an instant the grave air in the room turned to utter rage. Hitting the wall the woman gasped at the surge of slight pain that rushed through her back. "C-charles? Is he al-" Her words stopped and her expression hardened. She knew she had no right to ask such things this was all her fault. "I did not put a hit on any X-Men. My people know that the Institute has harbored and assisted Inhumans in the past. We did not attack Charles Xavier... I didn't." Her voice was calm and her posture rigid against the wall as her hands clung to the hard surface behind her. She refused to fight Logan... she refused. And all of her seemed to agree as she stood there willing to accept the fate that Logan will force upon herself. Her husband dead. Her son gone. Her family scattered. Family was a sacred thing among Inhumans... and hers was gone and dead leaving her a broken remainder of once was. If this was how she died then it was alright... at least it was by the hands of someone she cared for and not by the madmen in the brotherhood.

He wanted to... every single fiber in his body begged for a taunting relapse into the savage weapon he was created to be. Looking into her eyes, he desperately searched for even the faintest hint of treachery as an excuse to do what he did best, but what he saw petrified him. An almost demonic creature, barbaric in nature, foamed at the mouth struggling contain it's maddening sanity. He had lost control; nearly spiraling back to rock bottom. Was this who he truly was? Could this be what he would always fall back to?
It polluted his nostrils, the cruel scent of temptation haunted him. A dark escape from the awful reality he was ensnared in. He could smell the whiskey in the fridge upstairs like it was right in front of him. Floating in his thoughts he felt two hands curling around his chest followed by a seductive whisper in his neck. Her perfume overpowered his nose as he held in a cough trying to remember what she just said. He didn't get to turn around before her fingers closed his eyelids. "Charles is gone... what happens when you find his killer... will killing him honor his avenge his death? When you killed your wife's murderer did it really avenger her? It didn't... you must go farther. The Inhuman's must suffer a pain they thought impossible... they may lose their queen. Only then will they realize what they have done. Without rule chaos will unfold. Kill her now! Avenge the professor... wouldn't he want that? Will yo-" Logan knew something was up. He had been through it so many times he knew when his mind was being played with. "Get out of my head." None of it was real, there was no woman holding him, no perfume in the air, just the work of a telepath. He grumbled irritated to the final straw and without a glance toward Medusa he ran back out into the rain adamant to finding the telepath...

She watched as the male holding her now fought within himself. She could see the swirling emotions play across the colored pools of his eyes creating waves of anger, betrayal, and confusion. Logan was hard to read for many reasons so finding that she could see such easy signs of emotions on the surface was.... surprising. Which only made her think that something else was going on and that was confirmed when he released her now striding back out into the rain. "Logan?" She called out to the male now following him as far as the darkened doorstep of this building... if she went any further she would be surrounded in a matter of minutes by either the American Government or Brotherhood. But at the same time she wished to know what had happened. Was Sir Charles alright? Why did he believe that she would attack a man so noble in his pursuits? She never saw that man as an enemy... what had happened?

The Russian was persistent. Sweat coated her face like wax on apple, her breathing labored, yet she did not slow her storm. She knew she could not outrun him st she instead whipped around with a swift right hook which nearly met it's mark, but she was no match for the weapon incarnate, Wolverine. In the past he always held back when fighting with women because it was an honorable thing to do, but tonight he entered a new dawn. He could smell the perspiration within her pores, she knew she was in real trouble and it was now full hitting her. He remained vigilant, dodging blows will donating his own to the fabricated beasts she would throw at him allowing her to believe her was caught. The Russian's skills where unmatched compared to that of any telepath he knew which was probably why she came alone... But the Logan far surpassed the might of any telepathic mutant from the many years of experience and training. The unique attributes of the Russian was the sole reason she remained conscious for thus long. Though her fabricated combat skills seemed to be a useful attribute, it was only thing she had which wasn't enough... In one smooth motion Logan sprung upon her offering her his metal fist in a nasty uppercut knocking her out completely. Crumpled on the asphalt he grabbed her leg and dragged her unconscious body back into the garage. Ignoring Medusa he threw her on the wooden chair and chained her arms and legs to it. "Imma get some answers" Logan replied sullen, excruciating a single claw he proceeded to drive it into her thigh, but couldn't go through with it. Tears streamed from his face as he looked towards Medusa; his friend, his ally. She was his only light in the current situation and he knew he could confide in her. She would be able to give the verdict whether or not to torture the woman.

She stood there listening to the muffled sounds that came from down the alley but she dared not to move. After silence came she was not surprised to see Logan victorious and now dragging the body of some strange woman. Following him deeper inside she stood off watching with a cool expression roaming her face. Turning to her for what seemed to demand wisdom or maybe a retort in what he was about to do she merely remained back in the shadows. "This woman seeked to blame me and have you kill me... I would like answers as well." She mused with a rather cold and calculated tone of a ruler who saw no need for mercy at this moment in time. 'War has begun.' The voice in her head only confirmed how she must know who sent her... why was obvious enough, but who...
was still yet clouded by mystery even if she had a few good ideas.

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