Chapter 4: Krov' na Lepestkakh

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It had been an hour... the stench of her own blood punched her stomach antagonizing a wave of nausea. Her head bobbed up and down continuously as she floated in and out of consciousness. She was gonna die and she knew it, 'but for what?'... she internally questioned. "Do they even care if I live or am I just another tool to their plan... I am about to die." she thought to herself as she sobbed. "Do I even believe in what they are telling me? Did I even search their heads to see whether or not they had been lying to me..." her thoughts were interrupted with a rough metal smack across her cheek. She dazed as she once more waited to meet her maker. ~
Logan could smell her fear as she neared death, she was ready. "Now imma ask ya one last time... Who is their next targe-" Cut off by her obnoxious coughing he backed up disgusted with what he had done.
~This was the end she was sure of it. Looking into his eyes she saw disgust and trembled under his stare. He extricate his claws walking back over to her. She couldn't do this anymore and cried out "Please... w-what are you g-going to do to me.... I'll talk I promise-please..." She knew she was in no position to beg for forgiveness but did it anyway.
~ Logan sliced her jeans open without drawing anymore blood. She emitted an unearthly moan, more tear streamed her face. He understood what it looked like now that he held her garments in his hands, but he wasn't going to rape her and pretty soon it was evident as he wrapped her wounds and broke her free of the chains. Her heart was in such shock she fainted. Logan looked to the queen shamed that he had not the heart to continue and asked her "Would you help me take her to my cabin?"

Medusa watched and calculated each screech that left Logan's mouth and the poor creature that was suffering under his fury. But finally it seemed his rage and emotional pain could no longer push him forward. She simply dipped her head to his request before looking to the side suddenly the darkness of the corner cracked violently before the pressure shifted causing her ear to pop in response. Soon the dark room bursted into intense blue light as the silent room filled with popping and from the blue light came a form. Blurred and incomprehensible soon changed into a large hulking figure until with a snap of the fingers the light disappeared and was replaced with the large dog creature known as Lockjaw. Beady eyes looked to Medusa before they sprung alive with joy and trotted to her rubbing the side of his massive cranium into her outstretched hand. "Hello cousin dear. I am in need of your assistance." The beast simply barked in response and she turned to Logan now approaching the two. "He will be able to take us. Merely think of the place and he will teleport us." Her words were softer and her face shifted to have a small understanding smile before turning to the woman. She leaned down gathering the crumpled form of the mutant into her arms as her hair now came alive once again. Snaking up the body of the Queen it soon wrapped itself around the many wounds that graced her body with enough pressure so that she could stall the bleeding until they arrived at the cabin. "You are not a monster, Logan.... and neither is she...." Her words came out as soothing as she could muster even though she barely felt adequate to say such things. Sir Charles... was dead because of her war. A truly innocent man.

It was matter of seconds... until Logan felt his insides twist and burn as he teleported through time and space. A solar type of energy intertwined with his atoms resulting in him grinding on his teeth. Logan opened his eyes in disbelief; amazed that he was home right in front of his formerly secret cabin. He had done a lot of work since the soldiers had destroyed his house in a sickening explosion, but due to ample time and resources was able to rebuild bigger and better in a fraction of the time. Logan had kept handy Mr. Fantastic's replication sphere which basically created a carbon copy of his home when he had first made it. From his old home he built additions to his security system and interior design. But before he could take one step toward his secluded abode his stomach gave in to the nausea that came with every teleportation experience. With shame he let loose the most vile, rancorous scent imaginable onto the earth before him. After the last of it dripped from his chin he ripped a leaf of a nearby tree and wiped his face discarding it in the bushes. Straightening his back he led them into his house and was met with a brown wolf pup yapping happily at his feet "Easy now Bub. It hasn't been that long".

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