Chapter 8

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I was finaly not alone anymore. I hugged him as we stood up. A happy tear fell from my eye as I smiled. "Thats the first smile I've ever seen on your face." He said smiling back as he whiped the tear off of my cheek. I held his hand as I looked up into his eyes. I was to shy to kiss him myself even if we had a makeout section just before.

"We have to go to school uno?" He reminded me.

"SHIT!" I burst out. What happens if everyone finds out about us and teases me for dating a guy? Will he dump me for it...? And what about that knife incident, is Damen planning for revange? Jake lifted my chin to make me face him.

"Everything will be ok James. As long as you stay with me I will never let anything happen to you." He smiled at me. I nodded and got ready for school with him. I got to see him dress ;3
Once we were at school everyone was staring at us.

"James is back!"

"Hey, what's he doing with James?"

"Who is he?"

I heard them whisper to each other. I got nervious and started to sweat a little. Then out of no where he help my hand. I flinched as everyone stayed quite as they were staring. I looked up at Jake as he was glaring at everyone like he was going to eat them alive if they touched me. We walked past everyone down the hall as everyone tried not to look at us from Jakes mean glare. As we made our way to our next class together and we had to go for swimming lessons. They had extra swimmers and towels in the changing room so I didn't have to worry about it.

I was about to enter the changing room until I remembered something.... I froze with a bright red face. Jake was behind me. "James, whats wrong?" He asked. But once he saw my red face he knew why I didn't want to go in. He chuckled and gave me a light slap on the back.

"Come on babe, you get to see me nood for your second time."

He shoved me in the door and I had a grate big view of naked male teens getting dressed. I held my nose as I had a nose bleed. Jake quickly past me a spare towel to hide me nose until we walk past them and hide behind a locker to clean my nose. Luckly no one saw my nose bleed but they cept staring at me and wondering why I was holding a towel on my face.

Once Jake cleaned me up he started to get undressed by taking his shirt off in front of me. He smiled with a cheeky grin. "Do you want me to help you get undressed baby?" He winked at me. Obviously I kept blushing. Man I blush a lot!

I turned into a very nervous, shy statue. "Aww babe it's ok. You can just watch." That didn't helpnat all! And everytime he calls me babe or baby makes me feel like I'm the girl in the relationship. ..

He pulled down his pants and the first thing that popped out....made my nose bleed got a lot worse! He cleaned it up again as I tried not to look at him down bellow. Then I felt his hands go under my shirt and pulled it off. He looked at my pants hungrily and slowly unzipped them. I didn't move as I watched him helplessly. He pulled my pants down and this was what fucking shocked me!

He grabbed it gently and started jerking it. I squealed in surprise and tried not to make any loud noise. I didn't know why I haven't stopped him as he was misbehaving! I couldn't really keep my moans in but luckly they weren't too loud.

He had me against the wall with his body prest against my skin. "Ah! Not now Jake. We're still in school." I wined. He let go of me but still was up against me but he was disappointed. Although he didn't give up just yet.

"Fine, but just a few more touches." He whispers as I felt his breath creep up my neck. It tingled a bit as he slowly rubs his hands down my hips to my ass. I felt his DICK poke my leg and I felt a little hard myself.

"Mmmm you sure I should stop?" He smirked.

"Yes we got to go...." I whimpered as he rubbed it on mine.

"We'll finish this at my house." He says then gets in his swimmers. When we both were in our swimmers everyone was already out and in the pool. I didn't want to get out so no one could see my boner...

"Oh come on babe, make up your mind. Look I have a boner too and I'm goung out cuz I don't give a fuck." He says in a smart ass way. Then he left and I didn'twant to be left alone so I went after him and the thing is that the class for today had no girls wich was kind of a ggod thing but made it kind of awkward cuz I'm gay....

All of the boys syared at us but mostly me. "HEY, stop looking at him or you get a mouth full of cock you ass hole!" Jake snapped. I pretended i wasn't there.

And for the rest of that class I sat in the pool awkwardly next to Jake with a boner. But I could admit it was alot better then getting beat up or getting killed by Damen. I heard he wasn't here today.

~sorry for the gramma and other errors. My bad :(

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