Chapter Three

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I watched the sunset as I walked towards the BART station. It had been a long week at work and I was forever thankful that Friday had arrived. As I jogged down into the station and took out my clipper card and scanned it. I walked through the barrier that opened for me and down to the tracks to wait for my train. I pulled out my phone. I had a text message waiting. When I saw it was from Daniel I smiled to myself as I opened the message.

Hope the Wicked Witch didn't work my love to hard today. Heading out to my business dinner. Can't wait to see you tomorrow to celebrate one month.

An entire month had passed since Daniel and I made our relationship official and everyday was better than the day before. I'd forgotten what it was like to be in a relationship, to have someone doting over you and making you feel special with everything you did. I can truthfully say I'd missed it, but at the same time I was afraid of us getting to that point where we couldn't stand the sight of one another. My past relationships hadn't ended on a good note and from then I'd avoided relationships at all cost. I felt like I was better off alone than heartbroken, but with Daniel everything was different. There was no pressure for me to be anyone other than myself and there was no pressure to be more intimate than I felt comfortable with in the first place. I quickly typed a message back to Daniel.

Today wasn't too bad. I've missed you. Can't wait for tomorrow. Meeting Lynzi for a glass of wine tonight.

I finished the message and sent it away. It wasn't long before I'd received a message back from him.

You girls have fun. Don't have too much. We both know how you are with too much wine.

I snickered at the message. My mind instantly went back to our first date date at Chez Panisse. I typed a quick replay.

I'm not getting any $600 bottles so don't worry. ;)

My train arrived. I stepped onto the already crowded train. We were squished in like sardines. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and looked down at my newly received message.

I'm glad to hear that. I'm walking into the restaurant now. Until tomorrow my love.

I love when he called me his love. I stood there starring at the screen of my cell phone. I felt like I was the only person on the train. I was in my own place. I couldn't help, but feel this way. I knew it was the allure of a new romance and soon these feelings wouldn't be as strong, but I couldn't help, but be taking up in them in the moment. Suddenly the train came to a stop. I wasn't prepared and I stumbled back onto the homeless man behind me. He gave me a grin with his 5 teeth. I quickly jumped away.

Walking into the Wine Bar I spotted Lynzi right away, as she was thin and tall. It seemed as if she towered over everyone in the place. I made my way through the crowd over to Lynzi who was standing at the bar already sipping a glass of red wine. I motioned for the bartender that came my way.

"What can I get for you?" the bartender asked.

"A glass of your featured Chardonnay please." I said.

"Coming right up." The bartender said as she walked away.

"So I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Lynzi said putting her hand on her hip.

"I know. I'm sorry." I said. I felt guilty for not seeing my best friend as often as I normally did. Daniel seemed to be available every Wednesday when Lynzi and I normally had our standing date at the Indian Restaurant.

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