Chapter 2

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Chapter: 2The haywire machine

Later that afternoon, while Alex Jr. was with Kowalski in the lab and Alex, Gia, and Bella were on the trapeze practicing (all of the cubs are in the trapeze act with Alex and Gia), but Ryan and Serena were outside the train car arguing. "Serena, I can roar louder than you easy." Said Ryan. "Please Ryan, I can roar twice as loud as you can." Serena yelled back. Ryan then roared, but it was still way quieter than Alex can roar). "No affiance Serena, but can't roar as loud as me because you don't have a mane." Teased Ryan. Serena lost her temper at her brother's statement and yelled. "Sexist!" "Tomboy!" yelled Ryan back at his sister. Getting even angrier, Serena let lose a roar that was twice as loud as Ryan's roar. Ryan stared stunned at his sister. "You were saying." Smiled Serena. Bella then came running up to them and said. "Don't you two remember Alex told us to get mom and dad to see that new invention?" both cubs nodded. "Well, everyone is waiting for you two to come." Said Bella with her inherited Italian ascent.

In Kowalski's lab cart, Alex Jr. was in his lab coat (given to him by Kowalski) and Kowalski was explaining what they had built. ".... And that is how we got the idea, A.J. could you get the teleporter and activate it?" asked Kowalski. Alex Jr. then went over to a safe in the cart and started to open it. "A teleporter?" asked Gia. "Yes it will save travel time for the train, provided that it is plugged up correctly." Replied Kowalski. Everyone then turned to see Alex Jr. finishing the last bit of wiring on the strange looking device that looked like a satellite dish. "I think it's finished Kowalski." Said Alex Jr. Kowalski then walked over to a switch on the far side of the cart and said. "Test run in THREE TWO ONE!" Kowalski the filliped the switch and the device lit-up. But the light was quickly replaced with sparks and everyone could tell that something was wrong. Before anyone could react, the dish turned to Alex, Gia, and the four cubs and with a flash of light they vanished. Kowalski then shut off the machine as fast as he could. When he did, he stared wide eyed with shock in his eyes. He then ran to alert the other penguins that Alex, Gia, and the cubs had been teleported somewhere.


The next thing that they knew they landed face-first on a beach, Gia stood up and asked her cubs. "Is anyone hurt?" the four cubs then stood up and Alex Jr. said. "No mom, but where is dad?" The felines then heard Alex's voice and they saw on the beach facing the jungle near the beach. "No not again, not here again!" yelled Alex. "Where are we Alex?" asked Gia. Alex then turned to them and said. "Madagascar." Gia's face went pale now knowing they were now on the same island as Captain Dubois, who was some were in the jungle.

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