Chapter 5

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Ch: 16 Escape and secrets

No one moved the second Dubois appeared. Dubois then looked from Alex to Gia and the cubs. "I see you have found a mate and have had those abomination cubs. I knew we would meet again. While my other officers left le island on a raft they made, I stayed knowing you would come. Now I get to kill you, starting with your mate and cubs." Before Dubois could make an attack the felines all run on all fours back to the beach with Dubois running behind them. As they ran branches created cuts all over themselves.

They made it to the beach in less than five minutes, with many cuts. They had managed to out run Dubois, but knew she would find them soon. "What are we going to do?" asked Serena looking at her parents and Alex Jr. "I don't know. With luck the penguins will find us." Said Alex Jr. "Alex, the penguins have no clue where we are." Said Ryan. "I WOULDN'T SAY THAT JUST YET." Said a familiar voice, which sounded as if it was coming from a megaphone. They all looked up to see a high teck looking helicopter land on the beach. Once it landed the doors opened and out hoped the penguins. Alex, Gia, and the cubs all ran to the helicopter. "Where did you guys get this?" asked Bella pointing at the helicopter. "That's top secret." Replied Skipper. "How did you find us?" asked Alex. "We sewed a tracking device into your son's lab coat." Said Skipper. "Skipper, we should get them on the helicopter and leave now." Said Kowalski. Skipper turned to him and asked. "Why is that?" "Because Captain Dubois is about 150 meters away and running this way." They all turned to see Kowalski was right. "Everyone in the helicopter now!" they all then managed to get in and start helicopter to take off when Dubois jumped onto the tail of the helicopter. "Skippa, she's on the tail." Yelled Private. "Relax Private, we just need to reach land." said Skipper. "But isn't the nearest country miles way?" asked Ryan. "Yes, we just need to gain more speed." Said Skipper. "We could use the nuclear reactor me and A.J. built when we built this to power the helicopter blades to run faster, but it is un-tested and it could explode. Skipper gave him a bored expression before he said. "Rico, activate the reactor." Rico then pressed a button on the control panel and the helicopter bolt off. In seconds they reached lad but kept on the coarse to the train (that was now in London) until half way there they hear an explosion coming from tail. Buttons began to flash and the helicopter began to spin out of the sky. "Dubois must have managed to grip onto the helicopter and rip out some wires on the tail. We are going to crash into the woods." Said Kowalski. "It is always a crash landing." Said Alex.

(shortly after the crash landing)

They all managed to escape the crash with few major cuts, but so did Dubois. "We will hold her off, you all run and hide. We saw a zoo not far back hide there." Said Skipper. Alex nodded and he, Gia, and the cubs ran to hide in the unknown zoo

They soon entered the zoo (no one was there because it was close that day) and stopped at a map of the zoo. Alex Jr. (who was the only one who could read) read the map and said. "There is no lion exhibit, but there is a jaguar exhibit we can hide there." They then ran to the jaguar exhibit but stopped just out side of it. "Alex let me go in and see if they will let us in first." She kissed Alex and then climbed in to the enclosure. As soon as she was fully in the exhibit she heard a voice behind her. "What are you doing in this enclosure?" slowly Gia turned around to see a male jaguar about her age. "Please my mate, cubs, and me need to hide." As soon as the male jaguar saw Gia's face and her necklace and just stared at her until he said. "Gia, is that you?" Gia then knew who the male jaguar was, he was her brother Orlando. "Gia, I have not seen you since the circus took you away, I need to tell Mom and Dad. Also let your mate and cubs in here." Orlando then ran off into the fake jungle trees and plants to get there parents. Gia then told Alex and the cub to enter the exhibit and told them her parents and bother were in the cage just before her brother came back with their parents who hugged their daughter the second they saw her. "Gia we are so happy you are back." Said Gia's mom (whose name was Daphne). Gia then walked over to Alex and said. "Mom, Dad, Orlando this is my mate Alex." Alex then gave a half smile. The three members of Gia's family just starred at Alex, before Gia had said anything had not even noticed Alex or the cubs had lion and jaguar crossbreed looks. Before Alex could say anything, Gia's mom, Daphne fainted. Alex then heard both Gia's father and brother make a low, deep growl, reviled their claws, and prepared to attack. Gia was not sure why her family wanted to hurt Alex because he was a lion but she knew she had to stand next to her mate.

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