Chapter 16: Taking Charge

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Chapter 16: Taking Charge

Clauida's POV:

As I approached the pack village, I got a bird's eye view of the damage Brenard had mentioned earlier. I felt a pang of guilt as I saw entire families standing outside, probably fearing for their lives. These were the people I was supposed to protect, and I had failed them. As I made my descent I could feel eyes gravitate towards me. I was worried, was the pack mad at me? Would they even accept me as their Alpha?

I landed softly on the wooden stage that I had been on just yesterday. It seemed like a lot longer then a day, it seemed like weeks. As I looked around, I realized that the pack had no idea about my other forms. They just carried on with what they had been doing before, as if I wasn't even there. I decided to shift into my human form, I would probably be able to get their attention better that way. I felt my bones snapping and I quickly thought of a blue dress so that I wouldn't be naked.

Immediately people took notice of me, they started to walk towards where I was standing on the stage. They obviously expected me to speak. I decided to contact Bernard so he could give me some guidance on this issue. After all, he actually knew how to be an alpha.

"Bernard, I'm here. I'm on the stage and the pack is expecting me to do something. I need your guidance." I thought through the link.

"Yes Water Wolf, I will be there I a minute." His voice drifted back.

I looked back to the growing crowd before me and a question popped into my head, how many people were in this pack? I decided since they as all been here a lot longer than I have, that I would ask the pack.

"So, how many are actually in the Silver Pack?" I asked out loud.

The crowd just looked at me confused. Did I do something wrong?

"No, it's just the Alpha is supposed to know how many members are in his pack." Aqua informed me.

I was intrigued that Aqua had said his instead of her.

"What do you mean by his?" I asked.

"There is no such thing as a female Alpha, well until now that is. Alphas are always males." Aqua replied.

So not only was I the Water Wolf, but I was the only female Alpha to ever exist. Could this situation become any more twisted? I returned my focus back to the pack, and they all still had this confused look on their faces. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Bernard fighting his way towards the stage. The pack looked relieved too, which I'm not sure was a good thing.

Bernard hopped up onto the stage and stood beside me, but slightly behind me. I could hear the hushed murmurs of the crowd as they waited for anything to happen.

"Tell them about Noah." Aqua instructed.

It was probably for the best, I mean he is my mate, and almost future Alpha of this pack. They should probably know. I cleared my throat before beginning my story.

"Last night, there was an attack. Both here in the village, and at my place of residence."

The crowd looked at me confusedly when I mentioned my clearing. They obviously didn't know about it.

"I am not clear on the events of the attack here in the village, but I know what happened in my clearing. Noah has been kidnapped."

A gasp emitted from the crowd, followed by a hushed chatter.

"I have no idea what to do about this. I've never been in this sort of situation, but in order to lead this pack I need to learn. I'm reaching out to you, the Silver pack, to make me the best Alpha possible." I spoke shakily. They could probably sense my nervousness.

I scanned the crowd, looking for any sign of approval, but all eyes were glued to my feet. I joined them and looked to the wood beneath my feet, which had long scratches in it, an evident sign of the attack last night. I noticed movement at the edge if the stage and my eyes flickered towards it.

There was a little girl, probably only about five years old. Her fair face was framed by dark brown, wavy hair. Her green eyes looked at me, and my heart melted. Even after the events of last night, I could see a shimmer of hope in the emerald pools.

"I'll help you." She said softly.

The world seemed to stop for a brief moment. Everyone's eyes were on this little girl.

"I'll help too Alpha." A male from the crowd joined in.

The crowd before me erupted, offering their help to me, and I couldn't help but smile. Even though this village had been brutally attacked, and my mate was stolen, there was still hope.

I looked down to the little girl again and she smiled when our eyes locked. I pulled her onto the stage with me.

"Thank you." I said looking into her eyes.

"Don't worry Water Wolf, we will get Noah back." She replied.

I pulled he into my arms. I felt attached to this girl somehow. She reminded me so much of Noah. Odd, she almost smelt the same as him.

I let her go, but kept her close to me as I addressed the pack,

"So who wants to show me around?!" I shouted over the chatter.

Immediately, hands shot up, trying to catch my attention. I felt like I was doing something right, I could feel Aqua bursting with pride. I was going to turn this pack around and most importantly, I was getting my mate back.

Noah's POV:

I woke up with a jump, and felt panic set in as I realized I wasn't curled up in bed next to Clauida. The events of last night came flooding back to me, I had been attacked and drugged. My eyes began searching my surroundings, and since we were moving, I assumed I was in the back of a car, but it was so dark i could barely see anything.I felt an ache inside of me, I wanted to be home, with Clauida. Was she even safe?

The vehicle must have hit a bump because I flew up and cried out as my head connected with something above me. I rubbed my hand through my hair, trying to ease the pain that was shooting thought my skull. With my other hand, I went to lean up against the wall, but there were only bars. Solid, steel bars. I was lucky that it wasn't silver.

As my eyes adjusted better to the darkness, I realized I was in the back of a large semi truck. I could make out other cages stacked around the truck, but not all of the cages held werewolves, some had wild wolves. Now what would these werewolves want with regular wild wolves? A deep gravely voice interrupted my thoughts,

"Welcome to the party bus, lover boy."


Another chapter completed! It's a really long one too!

Since I've been in the writing mood lately, I plan on updating every 4-5 days.

I want to thank all of you readers who are loyal to my book! I'm really happy that some people enjoy it!

Please comment, vote, follow, and add!

"But it was not your fault but mine",


(Opps, did I quote Mumford and Sons again?)

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