제23장 (Chapt.23)

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He gave me a hopeful look.

That's when I remember. He was my first love and we broke up, then had a really bad relationship. The world rooted for us because we're on this show, I forgot what it's called. But him, Jook..

"Wait before that, what was that show we were on together?" I asked because I seriously can't remember and I want to watch it.

Jungkook ran to me and gave me a tight hug and he started sobbing. 

"You remember?" he cupped my face. That's when my heart fluttered. It's rare for guys to cry over a girl unless they really love them.

"Yea, kinda. We argued on that show right? Do they still want us?" 

That's when his smile became the brightest.

"Apparently Yoo Jae Suk-ssi wanted a re-filming on that one show we argued, and the show we were on together is called 'We Got Married'. Want to watch it together?" he held out his hand, indicating me to follow me. I grabbed his hand and followed him back to his house.

Since the tv already aired it, we watched it on the computer. He put his computer on his bed and we lay down on our stomach. We laughed the entire time at the first episode.

"JEON JUNGKOOK YOU DRAGGED ME TO THE ROLLER COASTERS?" I punched him playfully and all he can do is chuckle.

"Well did you hear your ideal type? It's all referencing to me," he started fixing his hair jokingly.

We reached the second episode.

Then there was a scene of me opening my locker and there was a letter but I looked sort of mad.

"What was that?" I asked. His smile faded.

"It's um, our break up letter. You know what forget about it, that's the past," he quickly turned his attention back on the show.

Break up letter? That sounds sad. Such a pity to lose him. I admit I remember how much I used to hate him but I don't look at him that way anymore.

After the episode is done, we decided to lie down and talk about what we want to talk about.

"So, do you prefer guys who make your heart flutter or someone who is familiar?" he started the conversation.

I thought of it really hard

"Someone who makes my heart flutter, definitely but if that someone familiar made my heart flutter, it works too," I replied.

"Do I make your heart flutter?"

He's so straightforward. At that moment, my heart was fluttering. It's fluttering. He made my heart flutter. 

"Ahreum ah~" he waved his hands infront of me.

"Well, do you? Jungkook-ssi?," I tried to keep it cool.

"Hey, but it's a little weird. Like you know you used to be really mean and I thought if you regained your memory you'll go back to your old self."

"Well, people do change you know? For the better," I answered. 

"Do you happen to know what was I doing before the accident? Were you with me or...?" I'm really curious because I can't remember anything before my accident.

He began to rub his face and did weird noises.

"This is a lot of work. Well, I sang to you and we ate under the stars. That was the first time we got along after our break-up and then you got hit by a car," he explained.

Wow, it's kinda rare for couples to get along after their break up. It either means that we actually have no feelings or we still love each other...

He was looking at me as if he wanted me to say something.

"Remember the song?" He asked.

Butterfly like a butterfly~
Machi butterfly butt-butterfly choreom~

He sang.

"Oh I heard it on the radio." That's probably the answer he wants.

He let out a deep sigh.

"The song, I wrote it as I thought of you, I sang it on that day we ate together," he sounded frustrated. 

"Sorry, I might take some time."

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