Enter Canada!

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  Recap:   His eyes widened in shock. "You guys?"

The entire room was silent.

___Line Break___

America was the first to break the silence.

"Hey, Canabro! Good job keeping those Commies from your borders! I'd say you were practically a hero!" He exclaimed, patting his brother on the back, more like pounding.

Canada grimaced as he straightened himself. "Thanks, America."

Then he paused as if realizing something.

"Wait, how did you know about that? I thought you were at a meeting."

"Oh, we saw you through this magic TV that Native America gave us and we've been reading-mmph?!"

England slapped his hand over America's mouth too late. Canada's eyes widened at the mention of Native America, then his eyes narrowed, unbelieving.

"Of course America, a magic TV that Native America--- a dissolved conglomeration of tribes for nearly two centuries now-- gave you all to watch my flight excersize. That doesn't sound like a lie at all." Canada said, his voice soft as ever, folding his arms, sarcasm dripping from his voice, shocking the country. Wasn't Canada supposed to be a really polite country?

America pulled England's hand from his mouth. He would have licked it instead, but he wasn't in the mood to taste burnt scone.

"Yeah, but that's what happened, bro." America argued, he'd never heard his brother speak to him that way, it was always stutters and forgetting what Canabro had been saying. It was honestly a shock to America's system.

Canada straightened his sleeves. "Uh huh, sure America, whatever makes you feel less guilty. You guys were probably watching from the TV in the meeting room. Which is surprising, considering you guys don't ever remember me, unless you want something from me or mistake me for America and best me up in his stead." Canada rolled his eyes as he kicked the pieces of broken couch away from him as he looked around at the countries.

Said countries looked down, thinking of the times they ignored the usually quiet and polite country.

They. . . Were grade A asses, they concluded.

Then Canada thought of something America had said.

"Wait a second, eh. You said you were reading something, what were you  reading?"

America opened his mouth again. "Oh, Native America gave us a book about you."

Canada raised an eyebrow. "A book. About me." He asked as if the magic television were more believable.

America nodded his head.

"I know America likes messing with me, but you guys too? What'd he do, threaten to show embarrassing pictures of you or something to get you to go along with this?" Canada turned to the other countries, glancing to each one separately.

"Vell," Germany cleared his throat to get the others attention. "As unbelievable as it is--and trust me, it is very unbelievable--America is telling zhe truth. Native America has indeed given us a book to read about jou and a little of jour relations with zhe rest of us."

Canada still didn't look like he belived them, perhaps it was because he didn't particularly belive in magic, maybe it was because he didn't trust all the attention he was receiving, or maybe, it was because he believed this to be a prank.

He would have stayed an unbeliever had a note not floated down, sticking to his uniform. Canada grabbed it and looked at the piece of paper. His eyes widened as he saw what language it was written in.

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