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Recap: "Whatever, I'm only doing this-a because you insisted, not because I wanted to." Grumbled Romano, flipping to the proper page.

___Line Break___

"'Canada is a jerk towards America, he's just too invisible for anyone to notice.'" Romano looked up at Canada, eyebrow slightly raised. "That's true, you can be a jerk."

"Eh, it's true." Canada said, shrugging slightly.

America looked at Canada in confusion. "You're a jerk to me? Since when?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe when you give stupid ideas? Which would be always." Canada said, rolling his eyes.

Romano snickered, the few times he came to the world meetings he sat there hearing America's idea on how to stop global warming and agreed with Canada; America didn't have very good ideas.

"Hey! I have good ideas!" America complained, lifting his arms eagle-spread style.

Canada snickered. "Sure, America, sure. Keep telling yourself that, maybe someday it'll be true."

A few of the countries snickered while a few went 'Ohhh!' And Prussia took it a step further by saying,

"He told jou! Do jou need ice for zhat burn?"

America blushed slightly. "Yeah well, uh, um, uh, Your mom!" He yelled, pointing at Canada.

"Uh, America, you do realize we have the same mother, right?" Canada asked, sweatdropping slightly.

"Wah?! No way!" America gaped, anime falling.

The countries sweatdrop. How did he not know Canada and he share the same mother? He really is dense.

"Well, before we get too far off topic, who shall read next?" England, hiding a laugh with a cough.

"I will, da? There is only one page left." Russia said, standing up to get the book from Romano, who practically threw it at him before Russia got too close. Belarus might not have been there, but who knew if she wasn't about to pop up around the corner? With Belarus, anything could happen if 'Big Brother Russia' was involved.

"'Dear Diary, I come here to Vimy Memorial every April, if I can. To remember. You know... The Battle of Vimy Ridge was such a turning point for me, but I don't actually remember much of it. I just recall working my way up that ridge, constantly telling myself to stick to the plan. And I remember running into Ludwig near the end, in the last line of German defenses. He could have killed me; I could have killed him. But - and I still don't know why I did this - I let him go. And the last look that he gave me as he retreated was one of respect. I'll never forget that look. Canada.'"

"That was very noble of you, Canada." England said softly, wondering if he could have done that had it been him in that position.

Russia nodded, if it had been him, Russia didn't think he'd have given his enemy mercy.

Romano folded his arms. Canada was really nice, but Romano knew that during a war, Canada didn't always show mercy. So what Canada did was noble, but still, he wished he hadn't shown mercy to that Potato Bastard. Anyone else would have been fine. Then again, his idiota fratello would have been heartbroken, and he couldn't stand that even if he said otherwise.

France looked on proud, his son was a great country, and no one could change that. Even if Canada's hair wasn't nearly as amazing as his own.

America patted his brother on the back, and for once he thought of Canada as a hero.

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