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Recap:  Canada himself felt different, not in the physical sense, but rather, he felt different internally. He felt a confidence that usually only surfaced in him during a hockey game or during a war. And he loved it.

His forgetfulness of his partner's name has decreased dramatically, as has his partner's forgetulness of Canada's name as well. Occasionally they may forget, but not nearly as often.

And all was well with the world. Except for a few problems here and there. But I think that's humans' fault, I mean, we countries don't really have much say in what our bosses do. So don't blame us. Blame it on the night. JK.... Rowling. Sorry.

____Line Break____

At the next world meeting the countries--minus the G8 plus Romano, Spain(Me!) and Prussia--were shocked to see that someone who looked a lot like sat next to the American and was speaking to him. What shocked them even more was that the G8 were talking to the America-lookalike as well, sometimes even asking his opinion on matters. Prussia seemed close to the mystery nation whose name was Canada, so close that he sat next to him and asked him if he could come over and have some pancakes. Canada agreed but of course America wanted pancakes too, saying it would raise his pancake tolerance, so he declared that he was going to Canada's house as well. Canada agreed rather reluctantly, but agreed nonetheless.

Russia apologized to him over an attempted bombing of Canada and talked to Canada about sunflowers and asked if he had ever tasted vodka, to which Canada said no. America yelled at Russia to 'F*ck off, d*mn Commie! Leave my lil' bro alone!'

To which Canada responded by with an 'I'm taller and more mature than you, you can't tell people to leave me alone. That's why I have a voice.'

"Yeah, but I'm the hero and your big bro so I have a right to tell people to f*ck off!" Argued America.

"Yeah, but I am an adult and can make my own decisions." Canada argued back calmly.

"Really now, America, he has a point you know."  England rolled his eyes as he sat America back down.

"Iggy! You're supposed to take my side!" Complained America as he sat down.

"If I did that we'd be in worse problems than what we're in now." Sighed England as he sat down as well.

"Ohonhonhon, or maybe it'd be because you'd end up agreeing to something else." France said suggestively.

"What was that, Frog?!" England yelled as he tried choking France.

Soon everything was back to normal, all the countries arguing until Germany shouts,


"You're right, I let my temper cloud my judgment." England said, head hanging. It was all that Frog's fault.

"Good, now then, ve vill be discussing Global Warming. Zhis time Canada vill start."

America slouched back in his seat.

Canada stood and pulled out his notes. "Well, clearly Global Warming is becoming a mounting problem and could be incredibly dangerous the longer we don't do something aboot it. Here's what I propose." He launched into an explanation on how to plant trees and advertise recycling and the uses of reusing all kinds of recyclables. He explained how they should cut down on stripmining the rainforests or at least making a larger effort on replanting the trees.

In all,  it was better than America's idea. The countries warmed up to Canada's idea right away, even imputting their own ideas.

Soon enough they moved on to other topics and then went out for lunch. Cuba still thought that Canada was America but was quickly sat straight. That didn't mean he didn't still confuse them once in a while.

Soon after, Canada became much more visible to his fellow countries and became more involved in the meetings. Of course he was still sometimes forgotten when he stayed silent enough, which led to Canada sometimes eavesdropping in on the different countries during breaks and whatnot. Needless to say, Canada had plenty of blackmail material on most, if not all, if the countries. Things were perfect. Then again, perfect was unachievable, so perhaps a more fitting word would be 'well'? Either way, Canada, A.K.A Matthew Williams was happier than he had been in years.


Don_Spain: And this story is done.... I miss it already. (;-;)

Marth: Well, you still have others to write.

Jess: Yeah, like Our Babysitter is a Ghost?! Or Harry Potter and the Twin Professors or Ghostly Friends, Half-Blood Buddies.

Don_Spain: Yeah, you're both right! I must continue on my path as an author! Pft, and Arturo said I couldn't write. Who can't write now, eh Arturo?!

Marth: Geez, you get really worked up over this, huh?

Don_Spain: Well, duh! I'm also 98% sure that Inglaterra cheats at Battleship too!

Jess: Ah, but there's still that troublesome 2% there.

Don_Spain: Well, unlike someone, I am being fair and giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Marth: Sure sure.

Don_Spain: Are you doubting me?!

Marth: No, just your words.

Don_Spain: Hmph, fine, don't believe me. Not like I care.

Jess: Oh gods, you did it again!!


Don_Spain: What have I done? OAO

Jess: Oh nothing, just unleash Marth's inner crazy. *sarcastic*

Don_Spain: Ha. Ha. How do we did him?!

Jess: We don't, we must let it run its course. =_=

Don_Spain: *knocks Marth out with hit to head with blunt sword* Oh, oops.

Jess: That works too.

Don_Spain: Anyway, thank you all for staying with me during all of my times of not writing in my other book, Our Babysitter is a Ghost?! And I apologize that this chapter isn't very long, but this is how long it has to be. This is the conclusion of this book. Thank you all for reading it. I feel accomplished when I manage to write something and see that people liked it and wish for more. So please, allow me that satisfaction. This book costs nothing to you in terms of money, but it costed me nearly two to three months of near constant writing when I couldn't seem to write anything else but this, so please, allow me to know that what I am writing is worthy of your time. Thanks. And be awesome, self-confidence is key to doing great things!


Spain, A.K.A. Antonio Fernández-Carriedo


21:45 P.M. (9:45 P.M.)

Wordcount: 1110

P.S. This book was inspired by Dare Devil, written by Fave101. Read Fave's books, they're amazing!

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