Teenagers aren't Terrible

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"I'm a teenager. I have a messy room. I spend most of my time online. I have private things on my phone. I go to bed late and I'm crazy about one person." ~ fantasteen.com

Ok yes teenage girls might be hormonal or a little demanding at times but just remember we have to get through at lot of 💩. We have people judging us constantly so we have to be as perfect as possible, oh but that's not all then we have to go through a bloody hell once a month and it causes so much pain! Boys don't even have the slightest clue on what we have to go through wait I take that back NO ONE NOT EVEN SOME FELLOW FEMALES KNOW WHAT WE'RE GOING THROUGH. And then that's just part of it then we get to the heartbreak. And that can suck the life out of a teenage girl. We try our best to please society but then sometimes we're just like "screw it I'm done" then we get judged a ton for just being normal and not obsessing over our cloths or makeup. And you know that I'm sick of it! I want to live in a world where a girl can walk out of her house wearing no makeup with bead head in sweatpants and a t-shirt with no bra on and go about her day without being judged or getting weird looks from men and other girls talking about her behind her back! And you know what as a kid a female can do or look like whatever she wants and no one cares but then when you hit 13 you just get bombarded with this pressure to have perfect hair, makeup, clothes, ect. And then as an adult you can wear whatever you want cause no one is in charge of you but that need to be perfect sticks. Plus the fact that when you're a teen is when you look for mates you want to look extra perfect and it's stupid!!! So to all my loyal readers 😉 and be yourself, the real you is perfect! Don't let the need to be the "perfect teenager" change you no mater what!

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