Chapter Sixteen

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"We have been here for days and no one has come for us!" I exclaim as my shackles make a loud noise.

"We will get out of here. I promise you that we will get out of here alive." Robin says from across the dark cell.

"So what do you suppose we do?" I ask him as I stare into the darkness.

"We could fight our way out of here and go find Roland." Robin responds to me.

"I don't have my magic and I don't know how you can possibly get us out of these chains." I say while dangling the shackles around my wrists. He stays quiet and I feel bad for destroying his hope. I just don't understand how someone can still have hope after all that has happened.

King Andrew kidnapped us and threw us into his dungeons. He took away my magic and I feel completely useless. All I can do is sit here in the dark on the dirt floor. The cracks in the bricks allow sunlight to shine on the metal bars that keep us hostage. It smells horrid in here and the air quality is completely terrible.

"I'm sorry Robin. I didn't mean to crush your hope. I just don't understand how you still have any. No one knows about your father. No one knows that he kidnapped us and no one knows where the hell we are. How the hell are you still hopeful?"

"Everyone with a soul has hope. This situation just made it clear that you can't possibly have a soul. This evil man has our son and we are probably never going to see him again. The real question is how can you not have hope?"

"Everything I ever hoped and dreamed of was taken away for me. I just learned that hope gets me nowhere. I'll just sit here in the darkness with no soul and wait to die!" I yell at him then I slump against the cold stone wall.

He remains quiet and all I can hear is his loud breathing. For a second I thought that he wasn't here with me and that I was all alone. Even though we don't get along at times the thought of not having him scares me. I let out a long sigh and bang my head against the wall. Something sharp stabs the back of my head causing me pain.

I smile as I begin to realize that there is a pin in my hair. I can't believe I didn't notice earlier. I move my shackled hands up to the back of my head. I easily remove the pin and hold it tightly in my hands. I stick the hair pin in the lock and hope that it unlocks. I slowly move the pin in the lock.

"It's all about the tumblers." I whisper to myself as I hear the lock click. Emma was useful for something after all.

"Regina what are you doing?" I hear Robin's voice in the darkness.

"Oh, I'm not really doing anything that will interest you. I'm just breaking the locks." I say as I hear the lock click on my ankle shackles. I take off the shackles and I hear them fall to the floor.

"How did you do that?"

"Just some advice from an old friend. My lack of hope actually got us one step closer to escaping." I reply with a smirk I know he can't see.

"Are you going to get me unchained?" He asks while shaking his shackles.

"I'll think about it. A man in chains is quite irresistible." I say with a smile.

"Now isn't the time." Robin says and I move to the other side of the cell.

"If I could see you this would be easier." I say as I continue to walk blindly towards Robin. I trip over what I presume is his leg and fall in the dirt.

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