Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"We're almost home," Alexandra heard softly in her ear.

She startled awake, lifting her head to look around. The road they were on followed the Thames, and as they turned off it and started up a wide drive, Hawkridge Hall came into view. Although it wasn't a castle like Cainewood, the symmetrical H-shaped building looked large and imposing, three stories of red brick.

The sight of it brought her crashing down to earth. She'd spent the past day in a haze of disbelief, but now her new home loomed before her. A new place. A new that had cost her family dearly.

Tris squeezed her hand as they approached. "What do you think?"

Sweet heaven, she loved him. She swallowed hard, resolving to tuck the negative thoughts away—at least for today. It was her wedding day. How long had she dreamed of this day with Tris, never daring to hope it might actually happen?

Besides, she was going to prove he was innocent—so her family's reputation would be saved.

"Very impressive," she replied with a smile. She was not taking her happiness at the expense of her family. Not in the long run, anyway. She just needed a week or two to set everything to rights. "Is the house very old?"

"Seventeenth century, down to the furniture." He smiled at her bemused expression. "You'll see when we get inside."

As they skirted the old stone statue in the center of the circular drive, the arched front door opened. Servants poured out onto the two sets of stone steps, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and welcome.

Alexandra watched as they arranged themselves carefully, men along the left and women on the right. "They knew we were coming?"

"I told them yesterday, when I stopped by to get your ring and my wedding clothes. I suspect they've been in a frenzy since then, getting the house all ready for a new mistress."

She disengaged her hand to reach forward and grab her basket. "I hope they'll like me."

"They'll love you." He turned her face toward him and pressed a kiss to her lips, quick but heartfelt. "They won't be able to help themselves."

Seeing grins spread on several of the staff's faces, she blushed wildly. And wished he'd said he wouldn't be able to help loving her. She'd have to give him time. Though she was determined to knock down that wall around him, it was looking like she'd have to do it brick by brick.

Another project for the coming weeks.

Directly in front of the door and all those smiling faces, the carriage rolled to a halt. A footman rushed to help Alexandra down. "Welcome to Hawkridge Hall, my lady."

"Thank you,...?"

"John," Tris provided as he climbed out behind her. "Uncle Harold called all the footmen John."

"Well, that's just plain silly." Here, finally, she felt in her element. With two years' experience running Cainewood Castle, she knew how to handle a household staff. She reached into her basket. "Would you care for a coriander biscuit? And pray, what is your given name?"

"Ernest," the man said, looking at the biscuit in his gloved hand as though he'd never seen one before. "Thank you, my lady."

"Thank you, Ernest." She started up the wide stone steps, where the butler waited, looking very stiff and serious.

Tris came up beside her, taking her arm. "This is Hastings," he said by way of introduction. "I couldn't run this place without him."

Gray-haired Hastings was older than Boniface and not nearly as pretty. But hearing Tris's praise, his stern features relaxed, revealing a pleasant face with brown eyes. "Welcome, my lady."

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