Just like I hoped, I got a drawing tablet for Christmas, along with a bunch of other art supplies and more. I'm able to use it on Windows Paint, which saves me a lot of time when drawing on the computer.
I'm really really really really really really really really really sorry for not completing the requests in the last 2 months..... Plus I had to clean my room during that time, and I'm not sure where the pictures are now....... Blame it all on meh >.<
Luckily, I can look at the pictures I posted on Wattpad for references. I've started all over again, With HollyJohnson6's request WIP above. I'm going to make the new digital versions look as identical as possible to the older ones. I did more with these than the requests on paper, since I feel inspired to actually complete as much as I can. Using a trick I learned from a video on Youtube, I now know how to remove a certain color without erasing another color, which makes it easier and quicker to finish.
I'm also hoping that I'll get back to writing more chapters for my other book Nagra the Winged Elf, since I read over it last night. I'm also going to try and use my own pictures for it, without having to use other people's art in it. I gave credit to those who made the art too.
For those of you who've been reading, my mom is alright now, and she's back home with my family and I. It's a good thing she didn't have any trouble when coming back, and I'm glad she's okay. She brought back some souvenirs, along with a bunch of pictures from her trip.
On the other hand, I was tagged by Moonwatcher_Jitzi to talk about stealing art.
Stealing art is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! Copying and stealing art is not a good idea, and whoever you're stealing/copying from wouldn't like it either.
If you really like someone's art, just practice with your own. Seriously, just practice. Keep an eye on what you need to improve on, and the more you practice the better you get. But if you're not much of an artist or you can't get your art to look as perfect as you thought it'd be, you need to give credit to the original artist(s) who made the drawing(s) that you'd use <- that's if you're using someone else's art for something of your own, that's viewable to the public.
It ain't cool when someone uses your own art without giving you credit, and even worse, when they claim it as their OWN drawing. Don't steal, just make your own! Plus, if you feel like your art is trash compared to other people's art, stop thinking that! We all have our own style of drawing, and be proud with what you make! That's what makes it original.
I tag: Abyssal123, YourPerfectTragedy, WildRage77, wonderwomen668, BlizzardGlory, Hangola, flitte, Trina_Ruhland, Bubbly-Wolf, Rains-Down, and 1NightDragon.
I'm not sure if any of the people I tagged have done this too, but if you were tagged and haven't done this, then I tag youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Here's the current requests I have:
StormStriker - Dragon Form : MC-Magic-Mage
Prism : HollyJohnson6
Clover: LibraWings
A Dragon: ElementalStorm360 (I can start your request now, just need the info)

Book of Art
RandomThis book contains various works that I've made. Some will be on paper, while the majority is done on computer. Also, if you're into dragons, animals, people, OC's, etc., then take a peek into my art book! Hope you enjoy :D *Picture Name* = Drawn on...