N-Naruto too?

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It had been about 3 weeks since Sasuke left and no one wanted to try to find him.

Sakura locked herself in her home or 8 days, she was starving herself, cutting, and tried to kill herself once but when she did that, she was taken to the hospital by Kakashi-sensei.

Sakura was currently at the training field 7. And over the past 2- 3 days Sakura learned to turn her sadness, in pure unadulterated rage.

She had trained under Tsunade for the past week, she had frightening strength.

When ever Sakura had a bad feeling it always turned out bad, and once again she had that feeling.

Sakura looked to the sun and saw it was nearing night time.

'I'm starving, I should see if Naruto wants to eat Ramen with me.' She thought to her self.

Sakura took off in a run to Naruto's apartment. She had been there many times, so she also knew many shortcuts there.

She had arrived about 2 minutes later. She knocked on the door, "Hey Naruto you want to go to Ramen with me?" She waited a minute and got no reply. So, she knocked again, "Naruto...?"

She slowly grabbed the spare key from the bottom of the door. She unlocked the door, and didn't hear or see anyone, she didn't even sense chakra.

She quickly locked the door and and ran to the Hokage's office. She knocked franticly. She heard a quick 'enter' and she did as told.

"Tsunade! Where is Naruto?! I can't find him anywhere?" She was frantic. She was afraid that Naruto left, just like everyone else.

"Sakura take a seat. Please," Sakura did as Tsunade told her to as Tsunade explained. "Naruto left, with Jiraya. Her will be gone for 2 and a half years. He didn't want to say goodbye becuase he knew it would break his and your heart." She finished.

Sakura sat there with no emotion written, she put up a fake smile again.

"Are you okay Sakura?" The Hokage asked.

"I'm fine. Goodbye Tsunade." And she disappeared in cherry blossoms.


Sakura was at the training field all day, every day, and never skipping. She never left, never ate, and never talked to anyone who tried to convince her to go home.

Training field 7 was destroyed. Boulders broken in half, trees up-rooted, and craters everywhere.

Today Kakashi was going to try to get her to go home.

Once Kakashi arrived he took in her appearance.

There were heavy bags under hardened, lethargic eyes. Multiple scars adorning what he could see of her arms, and a horrid burn mark, that angrily wrapped around her neck like a noose.

"S-Sakura." He started. "It's time to go home." He tried.

She just smashed her bleeding hands to the ground and everything was 10 times worse than before.

Then she passed out.


The day she lost Sasuke and Naruto she let the last pieces of herself go, she became empty, emotionless, a shell of who she once was. No one could change or help her. She was far to broken.

(A/N: I'm updating soon :): )

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