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Cyn's Pov

I hear someone knocking on the door. "Go away!" I shout. I just want to be alone until I get out the fucking hospital. The door opens anyway and in walks Gina.

"What you want?" I demand.

"We use to be close. I just wanted to say that Mar and I are going to London. I realized that I can't trust her to be alone."

"Wait what?" I ask confused.

"I am taking Mar to London with me. Nobody can keep her under control, but me." She claims.



"That soon. I gotta say goodbye."

"We'll see you when we come back."

Asia's Pov

Cyn called me, so I drove up to the hospital to see her. I walk in and see that she is dressed and arguing with a nurse.

"What's going on?" I wonder.

"I need to get out of here like right now before Mar and Gina go to London." Cyn demands.

"Wait what?"

"I'll explain later." She says grabbing her bag.

"You can't leave." Says the nurse.

"It's okay. I'll watch her you can tend to your other patients." I tell the nurse. Cyn glares at me and I wink at her. When the nurse leaves I grab Cyn's bag for her and help her sneak out to my car.

"Where to?" I ask.

"We need to go get some clothes."

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm going to London."

"With Gina and Mar?" I wonder.

"Come with me."

"Cyn I love you, but graduation is in a few weeks."

"Fine. We can leave in a few weeks then because one way or another you will be mine."

"So where we going?"

"The airport. I gotta say bye and apologize to Mar."

We run inside and go through customs as quickly as possible in the fucking airport. I spotted Mar crying into Gina's chest.

"Mariah!" I shout. She looks to Cyn and me and smiles. She runs towards us and captures us in a group hug.
We just stayed there hugging each other in silence. Then Gina grabbed Mar and pulled her onto the plane. I waved and Mar blew a kiss.

We go back to my car and that's when my phone starts buzzing. "Hello?" I answer.

"Are you with Cynthiana?" Mama demands.


"You have to take her back to the hospital sweetie. She is sick and Carlos is very upset."

"We just needed to say goodbye." I explain.

"I know sweetie, but you gotta bring her back to the hospital now."

"Okay mom."

I hang up and look over at Cyn. "I fucking hate hospitals." She sighs. I just continue to drive.

When we get to the hospital I help Cyn inside and her father is glaring at the two of us. "Cynthiana this kind of behavior doesn't make me think you're ready to be in the real world. I think you should go to fairview."

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