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I awake to the sounds of a crying baby and the sun shining on my bare back. I put on one of Cyn's oversized t-shirts and go into the kitchen. Monica is holding J.J. while he is crying his little heart out and she is burning something on the stove.

"Do you need help?" I ask. Monica turns with swollen red eyes, messy hair, mascara running, and nods her head.

"I wanted to make you some breakfast before you woke up, but he started crying and I am new at all this. I normally have maids, but we had to make some budget cuts because of Julio's company and I am losing my mind." She rambles.

"This is the first time you don't look gorgeous." I laugh as I take J.J. out of her arms and rock him back to sleep.

"I always look gorgeous for your information."

"Where is Cyn?" I wonder.

"She went to work with Julio. She has a lot of experience because of her father's company. She thought she could help."

"So it's just us?" Monica smiles at me and makes her way over to me. She kisses me and I couldn't push her back because I had the baby in my arms. She pulls away and winks at me then tends to the burning food behind her. This girl really made me feel attracted towards her.

Monica and I sit down on the couch and search for a movie when breaking news comes on.

"Singer, Regina Baxter, and wife, Mariah Jones- Baxter, found dead in London Townhouse."

"What did they just say?" I panic.

"It says Mar had an episode and shot Gina three times before shooting herself in the head." Monica reads at the bottom of the screen.

"Oh God!" I start crying and Monica wraps her arms around me and strokes my head.

Cyn runs in the house crying and we hug each other and cry. The entire house just stays silent.

"It says they're having her funeral back home." Cyn reads in a magazine.

"Did you talk to B6?" I ask.

"I can't talk to them. The police already interrogated all of them. Plus they said they don't wanna be apart of it."

"Why the hell not?"

"Babe, after high school things change. They just ain't our friends no more besides Liv, Tay, and Rain." Cyn sighs.

"I wanna go to the funeral." I tell her.

She shakes her head. "We can't go back home and not get caught. Our parents will kill us."

"Mar was our friend and I wanna say goodbye to her before they put her in the ground."

"We gotta be smart about this. I'm an adult and I could get some real time or put back in fairview."

"Call Liv. She always got some crazy ideas. We can wear disguises."

"Fine." She sighs. "Mar deserves it."

Cyn's Pov

I hold Asia's hand as tight as fucking possible as we step off of Monica's private jet. We were currently wearing disguises that I hated.

Asia was wearing a red wig, green contacts, and I was wearing a brown wig, and some dark contacts. I was dressed girly while she was dressed like a stud.

"We can't go to the funeral, but we can go to the grave site." Asia smiles at me. I nod and kiss her.

"As long as we say goodbye." I tell her.

We drive over to the cemetery and watch as everyone is gathered around Mar's casket. I see my dad and Karla with India. I feel Asia's body tense up, so I hold her hand and squeeze it.

"It'll be alright." I assure her.

When everyone starts to leave Asia and I make our way over to the grave. I get down on my knees and cry as I read the tombstone.

Mariah Elise Jones- Baxter
Daughter, Wife, and Friend
September 5th, 1997- July 21st, 2016

"You'll always be my best friend, Mar. I love you." I whisper.

"I'll miss you Mar." Asia cries.

I stand up and Asia leans her head against my shoulder. We hold hands and stare and the tombstone together.

"A shame isn't it? Lost so young." I hear my father say as he stands next to me. I squeeze Asia's hand and look down. "If only children listened to their parents bad things wouldn't have to happen."

I turn around and take off running with Asia by my side when an officer tackles us both to the ground. My father walks up and yanks off our wigs.

"Is this the woman, sir?" The officer asks my dad.

"Yes, that's the woman who raped and kidnapped my step daughter."

"Carlos, what the hell are you talking about? That's not true." Asia says.

"She's so naive officer please take this criminal away." Carlos says as he grabs Asia and the officer drags me off to a police car.

I sit in an interrogation room as my dad walks in shaking his head. "You think I wouldn't recognize my own daughter?" He asks.

"Please just tell these people the truth." I beg.

"I can't do that. You have been sleeping with a minor and you did kidnap her. You must be punished."

"I love her."

"You can either go to a new treatment center or spend life in prison."


"Pick one."

"I can't go to prison."

"Then go on the stand and say that you went off your meds and your mood swings made you rape your sister."

"She isn't my sister."

"Do what I say." He demands.

I just sit there and cry. "What if I don't want to say that?"

"Then you will be sent to prison."

I shake my head and continue to cry as he just walks out the room.

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