Tall Walls

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Coughing and spluttering I try to look around in the dimly lit elevator I'm in, the last and only thing I remember was feeling like I was drowning. That is when I start to panic, I don't remember anything about myself or my family. I rake my brain for something, anything, to come back but its all a hazy blur. Then one word resurfaces, four letters that mean a lot, Newt. That's it. No last name. No date of birth, just my name.

The creaking of the elevator I'm in continues for a long time, for the duration of this time I try to remember. I see blurry images of hills and trees and  a woman with a kind look about her and soft blonde hair but before any of the pictures come into focus they disappear. Frustrated and angry at myself for not remembering I try to dream. 

- In Newt's dream

I'm 5 years old surrounded by blurry faces and artwork. I'm at school, it must be my first day because everyone is looking at me like I'm an alien, and one even goes as far as to tip paint down my shirt. I  am determined to show him I'm better than him.

I'm 14 and I'm sitting on a park bench watching a young girl with a mop of curly blonde hair  play on the slide, she's calling me.

Then a thought comes to mind  what if these are not dreams, but memories.

Everything is black and I hear a deep disembodied voice calling,  "Minho there's another one up but he's out, bring some water!"
The boy I suspect is Minho sends back a cocky reply "Coming up Mr Alby!" Hearing the smile in his voice Alby let's out a deep but humorous sigh "hurry up slinthead" he shouts in reply. Pounding footsteps arrive but a minute later and cold water is splashed on me, I rise up coughing and spluttering. I look at the two smiling faces above me and smile. They help me up out of the elevator, and one starts telling me "You are in the Glade, over there is the hospital, over here is where you sleep unless you choose to sleep outside, and here we have our gardens that's the stable and finally the outhouse is in the woods."  Finished Alby with a grin "what's you're name shuckface?" asked Minho I replied without hesitation "Newt, and may I just say my good friends those, Are some bloody tall walls".

From that day on they all knew they would be friends. Little did they know their journey was just Beginning.

Tall Walls - A Maze Runner Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now