Beautiful (my name), Strawberry Hair

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Beautiful (my name), Strawberry Hair,
Wonderful freckles here and there,
Dancing blue eyes, cute little nose,
Gorgeous eyelashes, munchable toes.

Mommy and Daddy's cherished one,
Sometimes a challenge but always fun!
Great big sister, helpful and smart,
Loves little Alex with all of her heart.

Wondrous chit-chat while she's at play,
Content to imagine with Barbies all day.
Loves painting and drawing and playing outside:
"I'll count to ten, Sweetie, you run and hide!"

Brave and Curious, Graceful and Strong,
Knows how to tell "what's right' and "what's wrong".
Tenderhearted, filled with good cheer,
One smile from her makes my cares disappear.

As your Godfather, Uncle, and "Biggest Fan",
I'll always advise you the best that I can.
"Say your prayers every night, sweet one,
God's always there!"
My Beautiful (my name), Strawberry Hair.
AN- I've decided the first thing I post will not be my work, but his. This is a poem he wrote for my sixth birthday. I've removed my name because y'all don't need to know it.

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