6: Telling all

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So from now on if there is any chapter with some strong language I'm just going to say LW, for Language Warning


I was going to have this in three parts but decided not to.
So yeah. This is my longest at over 2000 words. 2135 words to be exact

Avi pov

Me and Kirstie have been dating for about 6 months.
Actually, it will be 6 months tomorrow.

I wanna take her out, but she as been avoiding me lately.
It's starting to worry me.
I'm thinking over heading over to her place to see if she is okay.

"Hey guys, have any of you talked to Kirstie lately?" I ask everyone.

We were it to eat and Kirstie didn't show.

"No. You want to head over to her house?" Esther asks.
"Yeah," I say really wanting to see her.

We finished eating then head over to her place.
I open her door, and the place hasn't changed since I was last here last week.
I mean not a signal thing out of place.

"Kirstie." I say loudly, worried that something has happened to her.

All the sudden we here sob coming from her room.
I run in as fast has I can.
I open the door.
She is off in the farthest corner with her knees to her chest.

"Oh my goodness, Kirstie are you okay?" I ask as the rest head into the room.
"No." She says and more tears fall from her face.
"What happened?" I ask, thinking that someone hurt her.
"I can... can't you'll... you'll just leave**hiccup**me." She stutters out.
"Kirstie I would never leave you. Tell me what happened." I say bring her into a hug.

The others watch as she hesitates to answer.

"I'm.... I'm... I'm pregnant. It happen the night all y'all found out about us." She says and continues cry into my shoulder.

I quickly look around and see everyone's face.
All of them are shocked.

Excepted Scott.

He is pissed.

I get up slowly

"Scott leave now before you do something you'll regret," I say, knowing how protective he gets over Kirstie.

He runs over to me and pins me up against the wall.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH. HOW COULD YOU?" he screams in my face.

With that Kirstie leaves.
No coat or shoes.

I tried to move but

I get all my strength and push him off of me.

"Look I don't care how you treat me. I don't care how much you yell at me. But I do care that you caused the mother of my child to go outside with no shoes or coat and it's cold outside. I know you don't trust me Scott, but I don't care about that. All I care about is Kirstie and the baby." I say and storm out of the apartment

I go out side and as soon as I do it starts raining.

Kirstie is going to get sick.
I can't let that happen.

I just started running. I don't even know where I'm going.

I run until I get to a cemetery,
This was the cemetery Jeremy was buried at.
I know it's a long shot, but when in any way, hoping I would find Kirstie.

I head to the cemetery.
Sure enough there she is. She is on her knees at Jeremy's grave site.

"Kirstie. Oh thank god I found you. Please let's talk about this and get you out if the rain." I say as I run to her.

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