Chapter 13

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I didn't remember ever deciding on a specified time to get to the bridge, so I just headed there straight after school. Apparently Charlie decided to do the same, since I noticed her crawling through that small hole in the wall no more than five minutes later. She slung her book bag off of her shoulder, pulling out her books, then moving the bag to the corner where mine was.

"Ready?" She asked, plopping down in front of me with her legs crossed under her. I thought some people called it sitting 'Indian Style', but I wasn't sure.

I raised an eyebrow, leaning back against the wall with my arms crossed, and my ankles crossed in front of me. "For what?"

Charlie rolled her eyes. "Studying," she said slowly, as if she was talking to a child. "That's the whole reason we're here, remember?"

It wasn't entirely the reason I was here, but she didn't need to know that. I'd actually lied about Eugene not being home, but from the amount of shattered beer bottles on the floor this morning when I left, I knew he'd be too drunk to even notice I was gone. No way in hell was I going back there and risking my life when he's as drunk as he probably is.

Instead of telling her all that, I smirked and said," I have a few other ideas of what we could be doing."

She glared at me in annoyance, and I tried to hold in my laugh. Any chance at annoying Charlie was way too fun to pass up. "No, you prick, I'm not doing that with you."

I sent her an innocent look. "And what is it you think that I'm implying?"

She huffed, mumbling something under her breath that I couldn't understand.

My lips twitched as I tried to keep up the innocent act and not smirk. "What was that? I didn't quite hear you."

She sent me an icy glare through her dark lashes, one side of her hair looping down to cover her face before folding back up and over her shoulder towards the end. She really was beautiful, but I'd never admit that out loud.

She glanced back down with her eyes and opened her math book, trying to figure out the equation.

I leaned forward, folding my legs under me and allowing the smirk on my lips as I got closer. She locked up when our noses were almost touching, her eyes darting back up to meet mine. I gently placed her loose hair behind her ear, purposely making my low and husky when I asked, "What did you say, Angel?"

She didn't so much as blink, gulp, or flinch, and her eyes were absolutely unreadable. I've always been able to read a person, but never Charlie. I've always gotten some kind of reaction out of someone, and yet, Charlotte Reed was a complete enigma.

"I said," she stared quietly, her voice slow and void of emotion. "I'm not going to be one of your dumb bimbos, Carter."

The smirk fell off of my face the moment I processed her words. Her eyes darted back down to the book, so I slowly sat back against the wall again.

So that's what she thought of me-that I was just some player that wanted in her pants. I snorted at the thought. Of course she thought that; she had no reason to believe otherwise.

With a light sigh, I reached over and tugged my book bag to me, pulling out the same math book Charlie had. We studied silently for what I could only assume was an hour before she spoke up.

"What's the numbers for pie?" Charlie asked. She then snorted to herself, still watching the pages of her book. "Why the hell am I asking you? Its not like you'd kn—"

"Three point one, four, two. That's all the numbers you need for it, depending on the equation you're trying to solve. If you need more of the number, it's three point one, four, one, five, nine."

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