Chapter 19

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Happy Valentine's Day!



I woke up in confusion as to why there was another body pressed against me before remembering what all had happened yesterday. Sighing and choosing to ignore the surge of thoughts in my mind, I cuddled closer to Mason.

We were facing each other, legs tangled and bodies flushed together on our sides. My hands on his chest were the only separation from our bodies besides our faces—where as my head was tucked under his chin—and his arms were wrapped around my waist. The blankets were hardly even on us anymore, but his body was too warm for me to feel the frigid air around us.

I closed my eyes and let out a puff of breath, suppressing a snicker when Mason shivered. I knew I'd have to wake him up eventually, but I was too busy enjoying the thoughts of different ways to irritate him in his sleep.

In the end, I decided on tickling him. It was incredibly hard untangling his legs from mine and shimmying out of his arms, but he was too busy sleeping to notice my humorous struggle. I straddled his waist, cracked my knuckles, and reached down to start tickling his sides.

Two hands caught my wrist last second, the only movement to show that mason was awake. He smirked, eyes still shut as he chuckled. "Nice try, Angel." He opened his eyes and grinned. "By the way, nice job stumbling out of my grasp. I almost wish I had a camera to video tape that."

I gaped. "I thought you were asleep! How the hell did you even see any of that? You're eyes were closed!"

Mason laughed loudly this time, still holding onto my wrists. "My eyes were cracked just enough to watch the whole thing, but you were too focused on getting yourself free to notice."

I huffed. "When did you even wake up?"

He snorted with a smug grin. "Oh, I don't know, somewhere between all the annoyed grunting and mumbling of you trying to untangle yourself."

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks from his words, despite my attempts to keep it down. "Jerk."

The next thing I knew, Mason's hands were on my waist, I was flipped around, and he was hovering above me. His face was inches from mine as he continued to smirk. "Has anyone ever mentioned your tongue pokes out when you concentrate?"

If my face wasn't red before, I was sure it was now. "I do not!"

"Do too."

"Asshole," I muttered.

"Bitch." He leaned up and pressed a quick peck to my forehead, then got off of me completely in a matter of seconds. "I snatched some money from Eugene's wallet so we can go shopping for snacks to eat when one of us stays here."

"We?" I asked, sitting up and watching as he shuffled with the items in is book bag. He pulled out a couple of ones, zipped it up, then pulled a few twenties from his pocket to add to the pile.

I assumed the twenties were probably from Eugene's wallet, but I was curious where the rest of it came from. "Where'd the ones come from?"

Mason shrugged, reaching for the other book bag that had clothes the last time I was here. He tossed me one of his hoodies. "Did some kid's homework. He was too afraid of me to tell anyone about it, so everyone still thinks I'm as dumb as half the other jocks." He smirked. "Just more terrifying."

I rolled my eyes after slipping on the hoodie. "Great reputation you have there. You'll make friends in no time."

"I don't need to make friends, Angel. I'll just put them in danger."

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