Chapter Five: Lilith

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I screamed into my pillow, the muffled shriek waking me up.  Sweat drenched me, my breathing heavy and near hyperventilation. 

The same nightmare. The familiar feeling of guilt flooded my veins as I reminisced on that horrible night.

I ran a hand through my wild hair, sighing. In my groggy state, I had knocked my phone off the nightstand, so I sleepily pulled myself out of bed to retrieve it.

I stood in the center of my room, trying to unlock my phone. It was off, oddly enough, even though I remember it being on when I plugged it in last night.

All of a sudden, it began to vibrate uncontrollably, in short, thrashing spasms.

"What the.." It was almost as if the device was trying to escape my hands.

I tapped the unlock button repeatedly, waiting for the phone to power on.

But it never did.

I lightly whacked the screen with the heel of my hand, and then hissed in pain, ripping it away. 

The glass was burning hot.

I cursed confusedly, punching the button over and over, to no avail.

I was about the throw it down on my bed in defeat, when suddenly, the phone was still.

The screen lit up, and relief washed over me.

I waited for my familiar wallpaper to pop up, but instead, the screen began to warp, static lines morphing the image. Then, the whole screen turned a bloody, dark red.

I gasped, dropping the phone to the carpet with a muffled thud.

I knelt over it in wonder, questioning how on earth my phone, a fully inanimate object, was going berserk on its own.

My questions were answered when the chilling face of a woman lit up my phone. My heart jumped into my throat in fright, then stopped completely.

She was beautiful, with skin white as snow and long hair dark as night. Her angelic features were sharp and perfectly symmetrical.

And she had eyes that would give me nightmares forever.

They were unnerving, her eyes. Completely, milky, terrifyingly white. There was no trace of color in them and they pierced straight through the screen and into mine.

I scuttled backwards in terror till I was pressed against the leg of my bed, shaking in fear.

"Think on your sins."

Her voice was smooth and venomous. Her lips pulled back over her razor-sharp teeth in a smile that chilled me to the bone.

The screen went black.

I covered my face with my hands and began to weep, curling into a shivering heap on the floor.



"Wh-what?" I asked, uncovering my face.

My cheeks were dry, my phone on my nightstand, my mother hovering worriedly over me.

"You were yelling in your sleep," she bit her lip, eyeing me. 

"I was? Did I wake you? Sorry, mom."

"Are you okay?" She asked. 

"Yeah. Totally fine," I said tonelessly, waving off her concerns.

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