Chapter 1: Regular Day Gone Wrong

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Lea's POV
I slowly walked out of the closet, not daring to even breath as I glanced up and down the hallways. I let out a silent sigh of relief as I found the coast was clear. I turned around and was just about to quietly close the closet door until I felt a small tap on both my shoulders. I visibly gulped and slowly turned around, planting a fake smile on my face.

Two sets of dark forest green eyes were set on my own hazel ones. Jordan and Noah stood before me, glaring daggers as both of their dirty blonde heads were soaked. If you haven't guessed it yet, yes they are identical twins. Each of them had a well built structure and towered over everyone with their 6'4" height. Even me being at 5'10", they looked like giants.

"Hey guys, ha ha, funny seeing you two here. Oh wow, look at the time! Gotta run!" Just as I was about to bolt outa there, both their arms grabbed my shoulders and legs as they picked me up and carried me down the stairs as I was kicking and screaming.

"Awe c'mon guys! You have to admit that the water prank was hilarious!" I yelled and tried to struggle from their grip. They never faltered, though, as they carried me to the pool.

"Ya...all except for the fact that YOU FREAKING RUINED MY NEW IPHONE! Now I can't get another one till I save up enough money. Our mom is going to kill me!" Jordan yelled as I saw Noah rolling his eyes.

"It's not exactly her fault that this is the 8th phone you've broken THIS year." Noah said calmly as Jordan scoffed. With that statement, I was laughing my lungs out.

"Y-your 8th phone?! Bwahahaha! Oh my god Jordan, only you can manage that. What's poor Jenna gonna think? Oh, I bet she'll run at you with a rolling pin again!" I laughed out as Noah let loose a few chuckles. I didn't realize we were this close to the pool until I felt the guys swaying me back. Guess fun times over. For them.

"Noah, if you have a phone, drop it now." I warned as he just looked at me funny. I sighed. Well, I warned ya.

They swayed my back one more time as I smirked evilly. This prank master wasn't going down so easily! I quickly twisted my body as the guys loosened their grip. I did a final jerk away from them as they let go and I landed on my butt in the grass. I didn't waste another second before running at the two and pushed them both towards the pool.

Of course, as planned, they slipped and a large splash sounded through the air. Each of them came up coughing a sputtering water as Noah frantically tried to get out , probably to salvage his phone.

"Lea, you're so gonna get it!" Jordan yelled as Noah took off. Jordan was climbing out as I started laughing again. Not only did they fall for my earlier prank, but the fact they couldn't even get me back had me dying.

"Ya, laugh all you want, but be warned. We'll come back with full force!" He said angrily and he wrung out his second soaked shirt.

"May the force be with you then, young padawan. Good at pranking, you are, but best at pranking, I am. You couldn't even try and get me back as good as I always get you! I am the queen for a reason!" I say in a fake haughty voice as Jordan chuckles.

"Oh my queen, please teach this lowly servant your secrets to the everlasting pranks you pull." He said as he also bowed deeply. We both started to laugh until our stomachs ached.

If you didn't notice it yet, Jordan is the funny doofus between the twins. Noah is the more calm and laid back type, although both of them can kick your ass if you mess with their friends or family. Their wolves also looked similar. Each of them were a red wolf with a single white front paw. The only difference was that Jordan's left paw was white while Noah's white one was on his right. They even both had icy blue eyes in wolf form, and the occasional black ones if you piss them off. They always stood by my side.

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