She's the girl that noone ever knows
Silena kept her head down and clutched her books tightly. "Pipes!" She turned her head for a fraction of a second at the sound. She paused as she realized it was just another skater, tripping over the school pipes. She turned and smacked into something hard, sending her books tumbling to the floor.

"Sorry." She blinked and looked up. Towering over her was a boy with dark skin and warm brown eyes but they twinkled playfully. He wore a smirk Silena was well familiar with. She nodded and dropped to the floor to pick up her stuff. She had just grabbed the last book when the whole stack was lifted off the ground.

"Here." She stood up and took the books from the boys waiting hands. "Sorry again, uh-" Silena sighed on the inside. "Silena." She supplied. The boy nodded. "Sorry again Silena." She nodded and skirted around him heading to her locker.

I say hi but she's too shy to say hello

Silena turned the corner. Third period was her favorite class. Art class. She paused and looked up from her Nikes as a voice caught her ears, "Hi Silena." She looked up. Standing a few paces away was the boy from earlier. She stared for a moment as another girl passed by calling, "Hey Beckendorf."

The boy waved at the other girl before looking back to Silena. His smile turned into a slight frown as she turned and kept walking, a slight blush spreading across her cheeks. Silena stop being stupid. He just said hi. And now you're talking to yourself stupid. She stopped just in time. A second more and she'd have ran into the door.

She's just waiting for that one to take her hand and shake her up

Silena sighed as the school doors came into view. She couldn't wait to get home and relax before work. She had just made it outside of the door when she heard the same voice from earlier. "Hey Silena!" She kept walking. She had almost made it to the front gate when a hand shot out and grabbed her empty hand.

I bet I could

"Did I do something wrong?" Beckendorf looked down at her and frowned. His bottom lip was poked out a little. The heat rushed to Silena's cheeks and she looked down, shaking her head. He gave an exasperated sigh, "Can you at least look at me?" Silena slowly raised her eyes to meet his.

The moment Silena's eyes met Beckendorf's his eyes widened. Hers were a startling gray. Not like steel. It was a soft, ever-changing gray. He stared at her for a second before he scratched the back of his neck. "Are you sure your okay? Did I do something to you?" Silena nodded. "I'm fine."

She looked at the giant clock on the wall and cursed. "I really have to go." She turned to go but was quickly whirled back around. Her head was shaken up as she looked up at the boy. "Bye Silena." "Bye Beckendorf."

I wish my heart was always on her mind.

Beckendorf felt the heat in his cheeks as she walked away. He couldn't help but notice the way her hips swayed slightly. You could tell she wasn't trying. He stared at her as she disappeared into the distance. "I wonder if she has a boyfriend?" "Dam she's hot." "I need to get to know that girl." "I should ask her out." "Man, she is so cute." Frank, Nico, Jason, Leo, and Percy snickered as they played sports announcer to Beckendorf.

"Shut up." He muttered and shoved one of them playfully. They all snickered and laughed and walked out of the gate. But Beckendorf couldn't keep his mind off a certain gray eyed girl.

He decided that if he was gonna know this girl existed he was gonna know everything about her. She might not think of him as more than a friend but she would know him and he would know her. He decided that Silena was gonna be his.

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