Cause she's on mine like all day all the time

Beckendorf could not keep Silena off his mind. He thought about her in the car, with his friends, during class, during a movie, even at work. She had perfectly tanned skin and soft gray eyes. Her hair was a red-brown color although red was dominating.

Beckendorf sent her a wave fe the hallway, suprised that she returned it. He smiled and headed to his next class. Come on Charles falling for a girl you don't know. He glanced at her as they passed each other in the hall.

Forget me not, forget me now I've come too far to turn around.

I guess it's too late to forget her now. Beckendorf got his lunch and plopped into his seat next to Percy. His eyes searched the cafeteria and noted Silena sitting alone. He stood up and made his way over there, ignoring his friends curious gazes. (You know how in other stories he's the popular one and she's not? No this is not that story. Some other person is popular so the whole cafeteria minds their dam business while he talks to his future girlfriend. That was harsher than intended.)

He sat across from her and looked at her. Her eyes met his and they both blushed. "So, um, you're sitting here all alone and I was wondering if you'd like to sit with me and my friends. There are a couple girls over there you could talk to." Silena shook her head and glanced at the clock. "I can't. I have to go soon anyway." Beckendorf nodded and looked down. "Well if your parents are okay-" He stopped and looked at her. Her gray eyes has quickly over away from him and stared at the table. She glanced at he clock in worry. "I really have to go." She stood and waved to him before leaving. Call him a stalker but he was curious. So he followed her.

I'm here tonight

Beckendorf found himself in a graveyard. Silena was a few paces ahead of him. He almost didn't stop in time as she came to an abrupt halt and kneeled down. In front of her was a grave. It looked like a normal one from where he was standing. Her voice was low as she spoke.

"Hey mom. I miss you. Even though it's been five years. Um, these are for you." She reached into her bag and pulled out three pink flowers. She placed them in front of the grave and sat with her legs crossed on the ground.

"I'm sad mom." Her voice wavered. "Every year I have less to say to you. Does this mean I'm forgetting about you? Or is my life just being boring as usual?" Beckendorf glanced at the ground and took a small step forward. Silena sniffled and looked up as leaves crunched under his feet. Her eyes widened in surprise as Beckendorf froze midstep.

And then his feet carried him next to her and he sat down. He didn't say anything, he just sat there. Now that he was closer he could see the grave was decorated in carvings.

Aphrodite Olympia
There are no words

Beckendorf plucked a flower from nearby and placed it near the ones Silena had put there. They sat there for a long time. And they didn't say anything. Even after the sun had long gone down they sat there. He was there for her. In that silent way that a person's company can be appeasing. He was there that night. They were okay for now.

She's the girl that Noone ever knows. Works a double just to buy her clothes.

Silena was almost finished with her second shift when the last trickle of customers came in. It was, just her luck, Beckendorf and his friends. She was headed to their table when Lou Ellen called from the back. "Silena the clocks broken again! Is this your second or first?" Silena breezed by her, "Second! And try changing the batteries!" She called. She turned a marker around in Lee Fletcher's hand. "Rise and shine Fletcher. It's almost time for you to go." She finally reached the table.

"Welcome to Lucky's. Can I start you all off with a drink?" She put a smile on her face. Beckendorf nodded. She wrote the drinks down as she heard them. She turned around for a second. "Last order!" She yelled to Lou. In the corner Fletcher jumped and finished writing tomorrows specials on the board.

Lou Ellen got the drinks and set them on the tray. Silena looked at the trays. Three trays, two hands. She looked down at the roller skates she was wearing. They weren't required but she moved faster in them. It helped during rush hour. She grabbed two of them in one arm and one in the other before skating off. She placed the trays on the tables. "Are you guys ready to order?" She frowned at a strand of hair that had escaped her ponytail. She wrote down everyone's order before heading to Lou. Lou was the chef. Silena was only a waitress. Lou made the food and handed it to Silena. Silena delivered it to the customer with ease. Lou smiled at her. "You should go change. You can finish without the apron." She told Silena. Silena nodded and headed into the back.

Beckendorf watched her retreat while eating his french fries. "Dude if you stare any harder you'll actually burn a hole through her." Percy noted making everyone laugh. Beckendorf rolled his eyes. "Shut it Jackson."

Silena emerged wearing jeans and a red Panic! At the disco shirt. Her hair was out of its normal ponytail. Her skates were still on. She approached the boys table and smiled again. "Can I get you guys anything else?" Beckendorf shook his head, "Just the check please." She nodded and reached forward. Then frowned. She wasn't wearing her apron. She smiled, "One second." She turned and headed into the back again. When she came back she was wearing an apron. This time she reached into its front pocket and brought out the check. Beckendorf paid and she watched them leave. As Beckendorf was exiting she yelled "Bye Lou! Later Lee!" Then she grabbed her bag off an empty table and headed out the door, pulling her leather jacket tighter around her. She had barely made it two steps when she heard someone call her name. "Hey Silena." She turned and looked up. Standing in front of her was none other than Beckendorf himself, smirking away.

1,100 words! Yay! Um a little sentimental stuff in there. The next chapter will have a Supernatural reference. Try to spot it. Thx to the few ppl reading this btw.
Love you all my fallen angels.

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