Chapter 1: College? Dreams?

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*Italicized= dream or flashback

Fabian's P.O.V.

"Oh my gosh! Really?!" I shout, they are turning the boarding school into a college!

"oh, yes dear...Why do you like that place so much?" my mother asked

"I have lived there for the past 5 years! It's like a second home!"

"Well, are you sure you want to go there for college? I mean there are better schools out there!" my mother asked, concerned about I don't even know what!

"Yes mum, I'm sure! Plus Mara is going to be there too!" Mara and I have been dating for 3 weeks now! I really like her but, she is still nothing compared to Nina...

" Oh, Okay! Just go pack you stuff." she says giving up

" Thanks mum!"

I run upstairs to pack when I get a call from Amber, and that's strange because we usually never talk anymore!

" hello?" I say picking up the phone


"Um...yeah. Why?"

" Because so am I, we totes have to have a Sibuna reunion! With Jerome and Joy included of course."

"Are the others even coming?" I ask

"Oh...I totally forgot to ask! Thanks for reminding me Fabian!"

"Your welco-" I got cut off by her hanging up.

When I go to pack, I start wonder why she left fashion school....I just forget about it for now and start to pack.

Amber's P.O.V.

After my conversation with Fabian I start to call the others! Alfie comes to mind first, so I quickly dial the number, but soon remember him and Willow are dating, so I decide not to call to save me some pain. I think of Patricia next, so I dialed the number and call her.

It rings twice when I hear her say, "Weasel!!! Bug off! Amber is calling!" she is still with Eddie, that's a relief! "Hello!" she finally says

"Hey, I was wondering if you and Eddie were coming to the house for college!!"

"Oh, Yeah! It was Eddie's idea to make it into a college! Are you?"

"EEEEKKKKK!! OMG, YESSSSS!!!! I already told Fabian we had to have a Sibuna reunion!"

"Okay Amber, no need to bust my eardrums!" Patricia says

"The only sad thing is Nina is most likely not coming back!" I say a little upset because I absolutely miss my bestie from America!

"Um, actually it's probably a good thing!"

" WHAT?! WHY?!" I scream getting a little angry

"Because it would break her heart to see Fabian and Mara dating!"


"Since 3 or 4 weeks ago."

"UGH! Patricia I have to go!"

"Okay! Love ya Ambz!"

"Love ya to Trixie! Bye." I say before I hang up the phone.

UGH! This is so frustrating! Mara steals everyone's boyfriend! She is so immature! I'm like in love with Alfie now, BUT I will never fully forgive her for stealing Mick the way she did! Even though they were totes a cute couple, I don't like how they came to be!

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