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When Louis woke up he groaned at the horrible pounding in the back of his head. He cracked his eyes open after a moment, squinting for a couple of seconds from the bright light.

His eyes widened in fear when seeing various bulky men guarding the door. He went to move his hands, but they were strapped down by the chair. So, like any other sane person, he did the first thing he could think of.


He tried pulling on his wrists and his feet as well, jerking up. "Who are you?!" He thrashed, but when three shards of knives shot out from the chair near his neck he let out a scream, sinking against the chair. He inched back helplessly as the metal kept inching closer, tears spilling out of his eyes. "I-I didn't do anything, I swear! I-I don't know what's go-going on." He sobbed, his eyes clenching shut.

"How'd you get your abilities?"

Panic was built up in his throat. He looked around in search for the voice talking, but the one way glass made it impossible for him to see outside the room.

"I-I don't, I don't know! What the fuck is this?!"

Another one spoke up, that time it was Captain America. "We know you know something. Was it HYDRA?"

The man only shook his head. "I don't know who HYDRA is, p-please just let me go!" He cried, squirming. He let out a yelp when fingers into his shoulders and the knives threatened closer again. "Stop! My-My name is Louis William Tomlinson! I-I grew up in Don-Doncaster England and ran away when I was sixteen!"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, confused by Louis' behavior. "Why'd you run off?"

When Louis didn't answer at first the metal strapping his arm down gave him a shock. He hissed. "Because my father was abusive to my family." He squeezed his eyes shut tight in pain.

Harry bit his lip. He didn't pick that up when he looked inside his head earlier. "Where did you go to?"

Louis shook his head. "A city, I think? To get away. London probably, but... I-I don't... It just goes fuzzy from there."

Cap mumbled to Nat, but not quiet enough for Harry. "I'm not buyin it."

Harry wormed his way around the others and slid into the holding room. The men guarding the door tried holding him back, but Harry's eyes went a bit red and they instantly backed off. He looked at Louis. He looked different from when they first caught him yesterday. He looked weary and had this gleam in his eye that rubbed Harry the wrong way.

Sam, Cap, Bucky and Nat followed him in. Louis stared at him in fright. "Please don't hurt me."

Harry cocked his head. "I won't." He moved forward, but pulled his hand back when Louis flinched.

Nat grabbed Harry's arm. "Harry, what are you doing?"

He shook her off. "It's okay." He pushed two fingers against Louis' temple.

"What year is it?"

"Two thousand eighteen."

"Do you know what you do for a living?"

Louis went to answer, but not a second later his face went blank. "I... I have no idea. I know I moved my family to New York when I was nineteen... four years ago?"

"Okay," Harry mumbled, and then spread his fingers out on the side of Louis' head. He closed his eyes and put a little pressure on it.

"What're you-" Louis gasped, and his eyes fluttered shut. The guards gathered and held Louis' chest back against the chair for further measure with Harry being so close.

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