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The past two weeks brought the two of us really close. Austin is growing sweeter day by day, making me fall for him more and more. Wow. Now I'm acting like a love-struck girl. All thanks to Austin McCartney.

"Ally!" Austin shouts to get me back in the world. "I called you twice. You really need to do something about not travelling in your dreamland. Anyways, here, the agenda for the student meeting has been printed. You need to pile them up according the number of students in each batch. You already have the list with you."

"Yup. I have the info. Make sure we have...... Umm...... 2052 copies of the acknowledgement forms." I type out another circular on the subject of upcoming events and participation forms. I had joined the coordinators club myself the very next day we went to the beach. AndI'm up for the job of designing and printing of every document regarding the event, school organised trips, etcetra etcetra. Too much of work and responsibilities. But, all together its a fun job. I get to interact with new students daily, my phone is always beeping with incoming texts and may spammed anytime. "Austin. You need to get me a postpaid sim. I'm tired of refilling the balance in my mobile at an interval of every one week." He nods concentrating on the forms escaping the printer. Anyways, that's not important right now. I have got a whole circular to be made and printed. "Austin. I'm mailing you the copy of the extracurricular activities circular. We need one print for the notice board on each floor of the college. So, get 4 pages printed. Okay?" Austin shows me a thumbs up and opens his email account to get the pages printed. Thanks to his desktop and the attached printer to it, my work has been reduced to half.

"Ally. I don't think anything else is left. Come on. Let's have something. I'm too hungry." We have been working for the past 4 hours. It's 1:30 am according to the watch and that Austin has mentioned it now, I'm hungry. We walk downstairs towards his kitchen, which I have seen for the first time. His dad is out of town on an office tour and so he's home alone. "What will you have? Spaghetti or cheese toast?"

"Cheese toast please." He made the same cheese toast once before and it was delicious. I can have it again and again. "Pass me the apple juice."

"Let's go. Have something and then I'll doze off." I wish I could sleep too.

"It's okay. You sleep. I have to bundle the forms together. I'll finish that up and then I'll go back in my room. No. I'll take the bundles with me. You sleep. Thanks for the help Austin." I smile at him and start walking upstairs with my cheese toast and apple juice. Just then Austin's phone rings.

"Hey Suzanne. Done with the pamphlets?" She is also awake, settling pamphlets for the same upcoming events. "Like, now now? Man! I guess we'll have to be awake the whole night. Anyways, we'll do it. Bye. And you design the pamphlets for that. Okay?" I ask him to tell me what she just said. He keeps his phone aside and picks his packet of nachos. "Listen up. Suzanne just received a mail from Anna saying that Ms. Brinbale wants us to take part in the health rally coming the day after tomorrow. We need to make a circular for that and also forms for the same. Suzanne is make the pamphlets. Honestly. I'm already half asleep. I'll really doze off in the next 15 minutes."

"Damn it! I'm too tired to print another 2052 forms and another 4 circulars for the rally. I shouldn't have enrolled in the club." I whine like a kid and stuff the cheese toast in my mouth. "I wanna sleep."

"Look, let's finish this up as soon as possible. My brain is already asleep. I can't think of a plan. Just let's end this." I agree with him. My mind is not awake either to think of anything. 

It's been another 2 hours and its 3:30 am now and we have finally completed the form prints. We are free now and making a list of things we need to do tomorrow. "We have half day tomorrow. So I guess we should be home by 11:30 in the morning. Coz I've got only two lectures tomorrow. What about you?" Austin has only 1 lecture tomorrow. That means we all will be home early.

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