You're like a star in the cool night air
Though I can't always see you, I know you're there
Just a phone call away, and you're ready to
Help me with whatever I'm going through
You guide me through the ups and downs
You take a bad day and turn it around
I'll always remember the fun and the laughs
These are the best days I'll ever have
I'll remember the nights we stayed up for hours
And all of the ice cream that we devoured
The trips to the mall and the video games
If I could go back I wouldn't change a thing
These memories will break my fall
I'll be there for you through it all
No matter what you're my best friend
We'll be sisters until the end
These Walls
PuisiThese are poems about stuff I went through throughout the year, including love, depression, self harm, and eating disorders. It took a lot of courage for me to put this up, so I really hope you like it. These are my first poems, so any advice would...