Her World

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You were the final piece to her world and so when you left her she fell apart and her oceans spilled across her face while her lands cracked, her volcanos errupted, the ground rumbled and the sky shattered with after shocks of lightening. She didn't know that loving you was going to be the cost of her downfall. Now the water is gone, the magma has hardened, the ground and the sky is still. Her world has stopped and she doesn't know how to feel anymore. She's broken in pieces. -a.c

(a/n so i wrote this on Facebook and my dad response is amazing it's right below this)

...and in the quiet of the aftermath as the sky shown grey and land lay barren, a miracle happened. A single drop of water fell from a sky once thought to have given its last teardrops. The single drop was quickly consumed by the parched land, as if the drop had never existed. Yet another fell, quickly consumed as well...and as drop after drop fell from the sky the miracle continued and the sky broke open and the rains came. The once forsaken land could no longer consume the water as it fell and the small dry streams filled and flowed together to form the mighty rivers of old. The grand rivers rushed to the oceans to bring back the life, which had been taken in the apocalypse. A chasm whose scar was so deep it was thought to have destroyed love itself, but as the water brought back to life that which was thought to have died...the young women gasped and drew breath...the pieces once shattered now fit once again tightly together. Her hope in love restored she looked around to find the source of her miracle...standing silently next to her...her tears now flowed once again, this time with love, as she recognized the face of the one who redeems all who feel lost...

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