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Hello people, so this happens to be my first story ever posted on Wattpad. Please just work with me and if you have any constructive criticism just leave it in the comment thingy below, so hope you like it and vote, comment, and enjoy!

Chapter 2 ( Arriving )

Lexi's POV:

While driving to the airport the tension was way too thick.

Still keeping her eyes directed towards the road, my mother decided to give me rundown on what to expect when arriving at Washington.

“The Alpha mentioned that there will be two people that are apart the pack there to pick you up when you arrive in Sivilton; that’s the town the pack is located in. Make sure before you leave the airport that you have all you’re belonging because if you lose anything I will most defiantly not replace it.”

 It’s not like you paid for any of it, I wanted to say but I just kept my mouth closed. I didn’t want to start anything when I have the choice of leaving peacefully, so instead I ended with a “Yes Ma’am”.

Another 30 minutes pass before we arrived at the airport. I walk inside towards one of those luggage trolleys and began loading all my stuff onto it; without any assistance from my mother at all may I say.

Once done I began to push the mass amount of clothes, shoes, accessories all packed into 8 huge suitcases, I’m telling you it’s just like trying to push a fat lady in a wheelchair up a hill. When I’m done with my monthly exercise my mom drags me towards the baggage claim.

“Hello how may I help you today?”

The lady at the desk had a kind smile which you can barely see laugh lines appear on her face. She had the usual attire on; white button up blouse with a navy blue blazer and a grey pencil skirt and to top it off and a navy and grey striped scarf rapped around her neck.

My mom spoke first “Yes I’m here to drop off luggage”

“OK which flight will you be boarding today” she directed the question towards my mom even though I’m the one who’s boarding it.

“Flight 219”

“Uh ok “

My mom gave her all the information needed and she began walking me towards the security check. I just wanted her to leave already, so I told her that I’ll be fine from here on, for a split second she looked hesitant. If I’m mistaken I would have thought she didn’t want me to leave, but knowing my mother, she couldn’t wait to turn my room into a home gym. After giving each other very awkward hugs and a pat on a back from my mother she bid me farewell.

 Waiting in line to be checked by the burly security men, I couldn’t help but think of how my life is changing so drastically in only a small period of time. In less than 14 hours I will be in West Pack territory and meeting new people and living in a whole different environment from New York City. I’ll be living in a house full of wolves, all this change should scare me but truthfully I’m kind of excited. This is a one in a lifetime experience and I’m sure as hell not going to let that go by.

It’s still sad that I won’t see all my family for a while but I think change is needed in my situation. I will still miss my sisters and brother; Steven, Connie and Whitney. They don’t live in New York but they still come and visit once in while even though they all have their own lives to worry about. Their all older than me but it still seems like I’m the older sibling, they can’t even be in the same room together without finding something to argue about, most of the time it’s annoying but some fights I can’t help not laugh at. Yep im deff going to miss that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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