The Fight

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It turns out me and Harry had all classes together. When McKenzie, Matthew and I were on our way to the cafeteria Harry asked if he could have lunch with us. I looked at McKenzie and Matthew to make sure it was fine with them then I quickly nodded my head.

I showed Harry the procedure in the lunch line then we sat down at our usual table. Not too long after my ex Chad came up to our table.

"What do you want?" i snapped at him.

"Oh I just wanted to know what the new kid was doing sitting over here with you losers." he said in fake british accent.

"What the fuck Chadw Go get a fucking life and leave him alone."I spat.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that you bitch." he yelled at me getting closer to my face.

Harry came up behind him and grabbed Chad's arm pulling him away from my face.

This angered Chad and he swung at Harry but Harry dodged the punch. Before I knew it they were fighting, but now Harry was the one on top.

"HARRY PLEASE STOP!" I yelled at him.

Before Harry got off of him he said,"Don't ever fucking talk to her like that again."

Chad now had a busted lip, a bloody nose, and a bruised face. It was scary how much strength Harry had in him. I was kinda scared of him now. I began to think about Harry said to Chad before getting off of him. He beat Chad up because of what he said to me. I was the reason as to why they fought.

Everyone cheered Harry on and gathered around us before the pricipal came and he obviously took Harry to the office. Not too long after the nurse came and helped Chad up because he was unconscious for quite a while.

Before the lunch period was over I decided to go and see if Harry was alright.

When I walked into the office I saw Harry sitting down. He was calm now and looked as if nothing had happened. I walked up to him and he looked up at me not saying anything.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

He chuckled "I'm fine I think you should be worrying about that Chad kid."

"Yeah you did beat his ass pretty bad and everybody's talking about it."

"I guess he just pissed me off so much the way he talked to you."

"Yeah it's fine, you didn't have to do that." I said still a little shocked at what Harry did for me.

"But I wanted to do it."

At this my heart melted. He was so sweet. The bell rang and I told him goodbye.

In class I kept thinking about what was gonna happen to Harry. Was he gonna get expelled, suspended, what? I mean it was his first day and he already got into a fight. I kept wondering if he was one of those bad boys.

No he probably wasn't maybe he was just little mad thats all.

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