Chapter 50

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~Sky's POV~

Me Neil and Harry ran off in the opposite direction. We ducked down behind a tree. "Okay. We have to keep high ground. So like in a tree. But one of us has to try and get them over to our trap" I said.

Me and Neil both looked at Harry. "Why you guys looking at me?" He asked cocking an eyebrow. "No. No way am I being bait"

"To bad. Try and get them over here. Try not to get shot though." I said.

"Ugh fine." Harry said groaning. He got up and ran off.

Me and Neil climbed up on two different trees. We heard a paint ball fire and saw Harry running towards us.

There was Liam and Niall chasing him. I aimed my gun and shot at Niall. Right in the head. Then Neil took a shot at Liam and hit him in the vest.

"Neil is bait next!" Harry shouted. Then he was hit by a paint ball.

"Shit. They found us. Move!" I said. We jumped down from the trees and ran off. We kept running and I pulled my self up onto a low branch. I kept climbing up until I was high up.

Neil kept running. I feel bad for leaving him. Eleanor and Louis were running by.

Neil may have been a good distance away. But Louis managed to hit him. He's good. While they were distracted I shot both of them.

I jumped down from the tree. "And Sky's team wins" I said smirking. Neil got up and gave me a high five.

We all walked over to home base when we heard the buzzer go off. "We won!" I said to Harry.

"Yes!" He said. The others groaned.

"You are worthy of paint ball" Louis said. "You're actually really good. Next time, we're tag teaming. Us against the rest"

"Deal" I said shaking his hand.

"Nandos time!" Niall said happily. We handed in all our equipment and then went to the car.

"You guys are paying for whatever we order" Neil said. "That's including Perrie. Cause she would've been on our team."

"Yes!" She said. "Fine fine. As long as we still get food!" Niall said. Typical Nialler.


We were all at Nandos now. Just sitting here talking and eating peacefully. Then all that was interrupted by a call.

It was Nate. Ugh. He has called me at least 3 times a day. When will he give up. I already filed a complaint and i'm in progress of a restraining order.

The court said under these circumstances, it would take as long as a month. I might as well answer or he won't leave me alone.

I excused myself and went to re ladies room. "What?" I answered.

"Sky what the hell?! You haven't spoken at me for 2 weeks. Where the hell are you?! Why'd you leave?!"

"You dirty no good cunt! You lied! You lied about my past! You sick twisted freak!" I shouted. "Don't talk to me. Don't follow me. I'm already getting a restraining order against you."

And with that I hung up. I fixed my hair a bit and then left. "Who was that?" Neil asked.

"Ugh stupid Nate. But I got my message through" I said.

We all finished eating and Liam, Louis, Ellie and Niall paid for all of us. We then left.

We got in the car and again, I had to sit on Neil's lap. "I swear. These past 3 car rides were some of the most awkward" I said. Niall chuckled a bit.

We pulled back up at Ellie's house. We all got out and Neil helped me carry down my stuff. We put it in the trunk. Now we just needed to wait for the boys.

After about 15 minutes of waiting, we said bye to Ellie and left. This time I was sitting next to Neil.

"So we have a lot of stuff to do when we get back" Zayn said.

"Not yet. I'm tired" I lied. I just felt like going upstairs and getting my piercing. Then I'll sleep.

We pulled up at the boys house and we carried my stuff up to mine and Neil's old room. It was still the same. They never changed it.

"Well if you need us we'll be in the living room" Zayn said. We both nodded.

"Okay. Ready for that piercing?" He asked. I nodded. He got his needle, a stud, some rubbing alcohol, and a cotton ball.

He sterilized the needle. Neil does piercings the hard way. Sure, it bloody hurts. But it's still worth it.

I bit down on my tongue to make sure I don't screech in pain. He pushed the stud in and he was done.

It looked amazing. It was a silver simple round stud. "I love it! Thanks!" I said hugging him.

"I know a better way to thank me. Least you can do after what happened in the car" he said kissing my neck.

"They'll hear us" I said.

"Then I guess we'll have to be silent" he said smirking.

"Neil seriously. They will hear us. They just got me back their gonna check up like every couple minutes" I said.

"Let's go shower then. The water should drowned it out" he said.

"Horny boy. I created a monster. You can't go a week without wanting I have sex" I said.

"I went with out you for months babe" he said and kissed me. I kissed him back. "Now let's go shower"

Neil pulled me into the shower with him. There's no controlling this boy when he's horny. Sigh.

Although I can't lie.

I enjoy it.

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