I Never Thought: A Langston Higgins Love Story

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~Langston's P.O.V~

"You ready ma nigga?" Julian asked. We were setting up to post a jerking video for our youtube channel, ThemPRangers, I guess you can say we're kind of famous in the jerking community. I mean the girls love us, boys envy us, and we just got signed to NCredible Records with Nick Cannon, everything seems to be going great right? But the thing is I've been pretty lonely lately, believe it or not. There's only one girl I really see myself with and I don't even think she likes me like that, she chills with us and everything but she just doesn't seem interested...

"Lang Lang!"

"Uhh....Ye I'm ready." I replied, my chain of thought broken.

"What you thinking bout?" Day Day questioned as he put on Go Hard for me to jerk to, " You look like you been thinking a lot lately." he looked at me with a somewhat worried expression on his face.

"It's nothing man, Lets get this shit started nigga!!"

Julian picked up the cam and started filming we all introduced ourselves and started doing our thing.

~30 mins later~ 

"And that's a rap!" I spoke into the camera, "See y'all on UStream later!" I ended the video and we headed to Julian's house to chill a bit.

~Tasha's P.O.V~

I had just finished watching my favourite show Degrassi when I heard my phone ring, "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Its Liyah, Day just called me he wants us to come up to Julian's house to chill, and Langston's there!" She said with a chuckle in her voice. Liyah was one of my bestfriends and she knew about the huge crush I had on Langston, "you coming?" 

"Yes!" I almost screamed, then I couldn't help but giggle when I heard Liyah laughing at me on the other line, "But what should I wear?" I asked worried.

"Just put on some shorts, a tank top and a pair of your best Jordans, I'll pick you up in 15 mins, K?" Liyah hung up the phone and left me to get ready. I hurried into the washroom to freshen up, brushed my teeth and pulled my black, curly, shoulder length hair into a messy bun on the top of my head. I decided to wear a red and white tank top, black shorts and my pair of black, red and white Jordan 8s.  Liyah pulled up outside my house and honked for me to get out the house, I rushed into the kitchen gave my mom a quick kiss and ran out of the house.

"Do I look good?" I questioned as I hopped into Liyah's car.

"Girl you know you always look good!" Liyah replied. She turned her stereo up so we could blare Super Bass by Nicki Minaj on the way to Julian's house, it took us like 15 minutes to get there. I wasn't surprised to see that Lexi was already there, Liyah and I rushed over to her after greeting the boys, both of us trying to fill her in on how the morning went, even though we were on the phone most of it anyway. What can I say, we're three bestfriends that can't seem to live without each other.

~Langstons P.O.V~

The girls were sitting in the living room babbling about some pool party they were planning to have and I couldn't seem to get my eyes off Tasha, She's so fine! With that fat ass in them shorts. Damn.

"You tell her yet?"

"Tell who what?" 

"Tasha, you've been staring at her for the past 5 minutes ma nigga."

"I -I have?" I turned to face Day who was looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Ye man, you be drooling too!" he laughed. " You like her?"

"A lil bit, but I don't even think she like me."

"Are you crazy, what you mean she don't, you blind or something?"

"What you mean?"

"That girl's crazy over you nigga! All you gotta do is make your move."

"Aii...I'll think about it."

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