Part 7: Words of Wisdom and Inspiration from the Awesomely Unwise

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Thanks for helping and inspiring me. I love you Dolce ♥

I have slowly started writing again and these are some words of wisdom and inspiration that I have actually said to people recently or used as a status... I hope you enjoy them! Comment and vote if you love me... and even if you don't  ~~ pleading puppy dog face ~~ / *_* \


Part 7: Words of Wisdom and Inspiration from the Awesomely Unwise

Being a parent means you know sadness and pain, but it also means you know joy and love. It is the most difficult job on the planet, but also the most rewarding.

A mother loves her kids more than herself. So much that it hurts sometimes.

The weak try to be strong but sometimes they fall. If they do, they get back up. That’s what makes them strong.

A person who is strong of heart digs deep inside and endures what most of us never have to encounter, yet still comes out on the other side. This is what I call a survivor.

Let out all of the sad and lonely tears and once you have finished, you be strong once again.

If your feelings scare you it’s because you don’t understand them, they are unknown. Accept them and then change them if you don’t like them.

To know your feelings and understand why you feel them, it to know and understand your true self.

Accept your emotions, happy and sad or however hurtful they seem, because denying them only creates a vortex that will steal away your life and drain your soul.

When your words betray you, you actions and true emotions speak volumes.

If the world stopped turning, the sun stopped rising and earth was plunged into darkness, It would be okay, because I know you'd be standing beside me.

You may think you have to walk your path alone, but I'll be beside you every step that you take.

You're not alone in the way that you feel. Many have felt the same way and trust me when I say that you will get past this. You are stronger than you think.

I am not so fragile, like a piece of thin glass that will shatter into a million pieces if you talk to me about your problems.

Sometimes you take a risk when you let down your walls and let people inside of your heart. Taking that risk may turn out to be the smartest thing you have ever done.

Sometimes love hurts, it's unavoidable, but we have to learn to accept the love and the hurt, make sacrifices and be happy that we are loved.

You can shatter my heart into a million pieces and do it over and over a thousand times, but I would still come back for more. Why? Because I love you that much.

Openness is a good thing. I’d rather know everything than nothing at all.

It is better to be crushed by the hurt of the truth then be smothered by the pain of lies.

All anyone ever asks for is honesty. To trust in one’s honesty but get lies in return, is the greatest betrayal there is.

In any relationship you need honesty and trust. If you don't have honesty and trust then you don't have much.

Which is worse, the insanity of lies or the lies of insanity? They both hurt as if they were the same thing.

Lies are like rabid animals; they come out of nowhere and bite you in the ass.

Is it better to let someone you love make a choice and let them take on all of the guilt and pain that you both will feel as a consequence? Or is it better to make the choice yourself and take all of the responsibility and relieve their guilt and pain by letting go of them, no matter how much it destroys you both to do so? I choose to be self-sacrificing and spare my loved ones as much agony and misery as possible.

They are so many wonders of life. Like why are we here? What is our purpose? But what is more certain in life than pain and death?

If absence makes the heart grow fonder, then why does it hurt like hell when you are away from the ones you love? I say, accept the hurt and revel in the love.

Somewhere out there, there is a really awesome person who will treat you right and love you for who you are. It may not seem like it now, but they are out there waiting to find you and accept you for who you are.

Everyone is searching for something that is missing, but that something is relative to us all. Some look for love, others peace and some for happiness. But I search for hope, and hope is what I’m determined to find.

You cannot change what can’t be changed, no matter how hard you try. You have to learn to accept it and then let it go.

We all feel lost and lonely sometimes, like we are struggling, drowning or drifting away. Who is going to save you when the reason you feel lost is because you’re missing your savior. Sometimes you have to save yourself. You have to dig deep inside and find the strength and the will to find yourself, to save yourself. Because as much as we love and need others, we only really have ourselves at times. So find your inner strength and use it to save yourself.


I hope you are feeling inspired now! and for fans of WHID... YES… I HAVE been working on that too!!

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